Mengurangi Prasangka Negatif Terhadap Transpuan dengan Metode Kontak Imajiner Melalui Photovoice Kepada Orang Muda di Tangerang, Indonesia
(1) Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Indonesia
Abstrak. Tingginya kekerasan dan kebencian berdasarkan identitas (minoritas) tertentu semakin meningkat di Indonesia, terutama kepada kelompok transpuan. Karenanya perlu dilakukan intervensi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan toleransi terhadap kelompok identitas gender minoritas. Untuk itu, digunakan intervensi kuasi-eksperimental terhadap kontak imajiner dengan metode photovoice. Hasil penelitian dengan paired sample t-test menunjukkan terdapat penurunan prasangka negatif terhadap transpuan secara signifikan sig (24) = 2.78, p < .01 (one-tailed) dimana sikap terhadap transpuan lebih positif pada kelompok setelah diberikan intervensi imagined contact (M = 55.32, SD = 17.18, n = 25) dibandingkan sebelum intervensi (M = 62.68, SD = 14.99, n = 25).
Kata Kunci : Kontak, Imagined Contact, Prasangka, Transpuan
Abstract. The high level of violence and hatred based on certain (minority) identities is increasing in Indonesia, especially to transwomen. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct interventions aimed at increasing tolerance for minority gender identity groups. For this reason, the use of quasi-experimental imaginary contact with the photovoice method. The results of the study with the paired sample t-test showed a significant decrease in prejudice towards transwomen (24) = 2.78, p <.01 (one-tailed) where the attitude was more positive in the group after imagined contact intervention (M = 55.32, SD = 17.18, n = 25) rather than before the intervention (M = 62.68, SD = 14.99, n = 25).
Keyword: Contact, Imagined Contact, Prejudice, Transwomen.Keywords
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