Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada(1),

(1) Dosen Pendidikan IPS Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta


Social science plays an important roles in the development of
Indonesian educational system. It supports the students to gain the competency of well human being and citizenship.The reconstruction of the curriculum for several times makes the teacher of social science studies
think an alternative methodology of teaching. This alternative methodology shoul be constructive and critical. To stimulate the students learning interest, they are needed to be brought closer to the social issues around their environtment. It is expected to construct their critical awareness to their communities. They are not longer dominated by the teacher in the learning process. The teacher just provides the discourse and facilitates them to have some critical pedagogy activities.The aim of this article is to
give an overview of Social Science learning process based on the
constructivism model. This theory supports a critical pedagogy
development which brings the students become a good critically and responsibility citizen. Education , Social Studies, Constructivism , School

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