Rizal  Fallevi Romadhoni (1), - Supraptono (2), - Karnowo (3),



Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontribusi minat kerja dan kemampuan akademis baik secara  parsial maupun  secara  simultan  terhadap  kesiapan  kerja  siswa  teknik mekanik  otomotif. Populasi  dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI jurusan teknik mekanik otomotif SMK Negeri 5 Semarang dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak  70  orang.  Penelitian  ini  merupakan  penelitian  populasi  yaitu  penelitian  yang  sampelnya  merupakan seluruh  anggota  dari  populasi  yang  ada.  Variabel  yang  diteliti  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  minat  kerja  dan kemampuan  akademis  sebagai  variabel  bebas,  sedangkan  kesiapan  kerja  sebagai  variabel  terikat.  Data  diambil dengan  teknik dokumentasi dan angket. Data dianalisis dengan analisis  regresi ganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data  diperoleh  persamaan  regresi  ganda  yaitu  Ŷ  =  0,563  X1  +  1,046  X2  † 47,661  yang  diuji  keberartiannya menggunakan uji parsial dan uji simultan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh ada kontribusi positif minat kerja terhadap  kesiapan  kerja  siswa  kelas XI  jurusan  teknik mekanik  otomotif  SMK Negeri 5  Semarang  secara parsial maupun simultan. Besarnya kontribusi minat kerja terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 29,3%, kontribusi kemampuan akademis terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 20,40% dan secara bersamaâ€sama sebesar 48,7%.  Kata

kunci: Minat Kerja, Kemampuan Akademis, Kesiapan Kerja


The objective of this research is to identify the contribution of interest to work and academic ability both partially and simultaneously toward readiness of Automotive Mechanical Engineering students to work. The popuâ€lation of the research was 70 eleventh graders of this program at SMK Negeri 5 Semarang. The research type was population research whose sample was all members of the existing population. Analyzed variables were interest to work and academic ability as free variables, while readiness to work was bound variable. Data was obtained using documentation and questionnaire.  It was  then analyzed using double regressive analysis. According  the result of data analysis, there was double regressive equation. It was Ŷ = 0,563 X1 + 1,046 X2 †47,661 in which its meaningâ€fulness applied partial and simultaneous test. According to the result of research, there was positive contribution of interest to work toward readiness of eleventh graders of Automotive Mechanical Engineering program at SMK Neâ€geri 5 Semarang to work partially or simultaneously. The contribution amount of interest to work toward readiness to work was 29,3%, the contribution amount of academic ability toward readiness to work was 20,40%, and at the same time was 48,7%.

Keywords: interest to work, academic ability, readiness to work

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