Dyah Rini Indriyanti(1), Niken Subekti(2), Latifah -(3),

(1) FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033
(2) FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033
(3) FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033


Lalat buah Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) merupakan salah satu hama pen ting menyerang tanaman buah-buahan dan sayuran. B. carambolae di laboratorium tertarik pada olahan limbah kakao. Hasil uji coba di lapangan belum memuaskan karena olahan limbah kakao mudah rusak. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji respon lalat buah Bactrocera yang diberi umpan ekstrak olahan limbah kakao berpenga wet. Pengawet yang digunakan yakni: Natrium klorida (NaCl), Natrium benzoat (C7H5NaO2) dan Potasium sorbat (C6H7KO2). Konsentrasi yang dipakai masing-masing pengawet 0,1%; 0,2% dan 0,3%. Pengamatan dilakukan selama satu ming gu. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa daya tahan limbah yang diberi penga wet dan yang tidak dilihat secara secara fisik (warna dan tekstur) tidak berbeda nyata, namun ada perbedaan bau. Limbah yang tidak diberi pengawet ada kecen derungan baunya tidak sedap dibanding yang diberi pengawet. Hal ini yang mempengaruhi ketertarikan lalat terhadap olahan limbah kakao. Respon ketertarikan lalat Bactrocera terhadap olahan limbah kakao yang diberi pengawet berbeda antara satu dengan yang lain. Respon ketertarikan tertinggi Bactrocera cenderung pada olahan limbah kakao yang diberi pengawet Natrium klorida 0,3%, Potasium sorbat 0,2% dan Natrium benzoat 0,1%.

The fruit fly Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) is one of the important pests attacking crops of fruits and vegetables. In the laboratory, B. carambolae was attracted by the processed cocoa waste. The results of field trials have not been satisfactory yet, because the processed cocoa waste was easily damaged. The purpose of the study wast to examine the response of Bactrocera to the bait made of processed cocoa extract waste containing preservatives. The preservatives used were: Sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium benzoate (C7H5NaO2) and potassium sorbate (C6H7KO2). The concentration of each preservative was 0.1%; 0.2% and 0.3%. A one-week observation was made. The result showed that there was no significant difference on the durability of the preserved waste and the non-preserved waste. This can be seen from the physical properties (color and texture). However, there was difference in odor. The non-preserved waste tended to produce unpleasant smell than the preserved waste. This odor affected the capability to attract the flies to the processed cocoa waste. The Bactrocera was highly responsive to the waste containing preservative 0.3% sodium chloride, followed by 0.2% potassium sorbate and 0.1% sodium benzoate.


Bactrocera; Cocoa extract waste; Fruit flies

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