Pemberian Ekstrak Benalu Mangga terhadap Perubahan Histologis Hepar Tikus yang Diinduksi Kodein

Sekar Maya Wijaya M(1), Lisdiana -(2), Ning Setiati(3),

(1) Gedung D6 Lt.1, Jl. Raya Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia 50229
(2) Gedung D6 Lt.1, Jl. Raya Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia 50229
(3) Gedung D6 Lt.1, Jl. Raya Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia 50229


Benalu mangga mengandung senyawa kuersetin yang bertindak sebagai hepatoprotektor. Kodein merupakan jenis alkaloid dan banyak digunakan sebagai obat. Oversdosis kodein dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hepar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak benalu mangga terhadap perubahan histologis hepar tikus yang diinduksi kodein. Sebanyak 20 ekor tikus wistar jantan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (K0, K, KB1, KB2, dan KB3). Kelompok K0 hanya diberi minum dan pakan standar, kelompok K diberi kodein 12mg/ekor selama 7 hari, selanjutnya hanya diberi pakan dan minum standar. Kelompok KB1 diberi kodein 12mg/ekor selama 7 hari dilanjutkan ekstrak benalu mangga 22mg/ekor sampai hari ke 21, kelompok KB2 diberi kodein 12mg/ekor selama 7 hari dilanjutkan ekstrak benalu mangga 44mg/ekor sampai hari ke 21, dan kelompok KB3 diberi kodein 12mg/ekor selama 7 hari dilanjutkan ekstrak benalu mangga 88mg/ekor sampai hari ke 21.Hari ke-27 semua tikus dibedah, diambil heparnya dan dibuat preparat histologi dengan pengecatan HE.Hasil penelitian kelompok K0 menunjukkan perubahan histologis hepar bermakna (p<0,05) antara K,KB1, KB2, dan KB3, sedangkan kelompok K tetapi tidak menunjukan perubahan bermakna (p>0,05) antara K,KB1, KB2, dan KB3. Pada kelompok K kerusakan struktur hepar meliputi inflamasi perportal dan degenerasi sedangkan pada kelompok KB1, KB2, dan KB3 kerusakan meliputi inflamasi periportal,degenerasi, dan nekrosis.

Mango’s mistletoes contain quercetin, a hepatoprotector. Codein is a type of alkaloids widely used as drug. Codein overdose can damage the liver. The objective of the study was know the effect of the administration of extract of mango’s mistletoes on the changes of liver histology of codein-induced rats. As many as 20 male wistar rats were divided into 5 groups (K0, K, KB1, KB2, and KB3). K0 group were given only standard diet and water daily. K group were given codeine at 12mg/rats for 7 days, and afterwards they were given only standard diet and water daily. KB1 group were given codeine at 12mg/rats for 7 days and then were given extract of mango’s mistletoes at 22 mg/rats until day 21, KB2 group were given codeine at 12mg/rats for 7 days and then were given extract of mango’s mistletoes at 44 mg/rats until day 21, and KB3 group were given codeine at 12mg/rats for 7 days and were given extract of mango’s mistletoes at  88 mg/rats until day 21. At day 27, all rats were killed, the livers were taken out for preparations with HE staining for histology examination. Research showed  that K0  group was significantly different (p <0.05) to K, KB1, KB2, and KB3 groups, whereas K group was not significantly different to KB1, KB2 and KB3 groups. Rats in K group showed the changes in histological appearance such as periportal inflammation and degeneration, whereas rats in KB1, KB2, KB3 groups showed similar histological appearance but with necrosis.


Extract of Mango’s Mistletoes; Liver Histology

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