Analysis of Proximate and Protein Profile of Kefir from Fermented Goat and Cow Milk

Erwin Hidayat(1), Irna Kinayungan W(2), Muhammad Irhas(3), Fathurrahman Sidiq(4),

(1) Department of Biology, FMIPA, Semarang State University, Indonesia
(2) Department of Biology, FMIPA, Semarang State University, Indonesia
(3) Department of Biology, FMIPA, Semarang State University, Indonesia
(4) Department of Biology, FMIPA, Semarang State University, Indonesia


This research aims to analyze the characteristics of proximate and protein profile in kefir from fermented goat milk and cow milk with different concentration of kefir grains. The research design was true experimental with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) of 3 repetitions. The research procedures consisted of kefir production, proximate analysis and protein profile characterization. Proximate assay result was analyzed by using LSD, whereas the protein profile was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. Based on the analysis of kefir proximate levels, the kefir grain (5%) showed the highest proximate level of both kefirs from goat milk and cow milk. The analysis of protein profile of cow milk kefir showed 75 kDa of protein ribbon, while the goat milk kefir showed 48 kDa, 60 kDa and 75 kDa. Therefore it can be concluded that the proximate level of goat and cow milk kefir with different concentration of kefir grains showed significant differences in the nutrition content as well as its protein profiles.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis karakteristik proksimat dan profil protein pada kefir hasil fermentasi susu kambing dan susu sapi dengan konsentrasi biji kefir yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini adalah eksperimen murni, dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 3 kali ulangan. Prosedur penelitian meliputi pembuatan kefir, analisis proksimat dan profil protein. Data hasil proksimat dianalisi uji BNT, sedangkan profil protein dianalisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis kadar proksimat kefir, kefir grains 5% menunjukan kadar proksimat paling tinggi baik pada kefir susu kambing dan susu sapi. Sedangkan analisis profil protein kefir susu sapi menunjukan pita protein 75 kDa, pada kefir susu kambing yaitu 48 kDa, 60 kDa dan 75 kDa. Simpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa kadar proksimat kefir susu kambing dan susu sapi dengan konsentrasi kefir grains yang berbeda menunjukan perbedaan kandungan yang berbeda secara signifikan dengan konsentrasi kefir grains yang paling optimal yaitu 5%. Sedangkan profil protein kefir susu sapi ditemukan pita protein yaitu 75 kDa, dan kefir susu kambing yaitu 48 kDa, 60 kDa dan 75 kDa.


Milk; Proximate analysis; kefir protein

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