Intan Purnama Sari, Novi Setyasto


This research was motivated by the results of Javanese language learning on some students who have not reached the
Minimum Completion Criteria (MCC). One of the main factors causing these problems was the limitations of learning
media. This type of research was development research. This study aimed to develop rattan puppet media, test the
feasibility of rattan puppet media, and test the effectiveness of rattan puppet media. The subjects of this study were grade
students at elementary school Karasgede Rembang. The researcher used a saturated samples with 30 students. Data
collection used observation, interview, anghet, test, and documentation techniques. The researcher processed the data using
product data analysis, preliminary data analysis, and final data analysis, namely the t-test and gain test. The results showed
that rattan puppet media was very feasible to be used with the percentage of material experts evaluating by 95% and media
experts at 97%. Based on learning outcomes there were differences in average through the t-test of 7.047 and an average
increase (gain) of 0.44796 with medium criteria. The conclusion of this study was that rattan puppet learning media was
very feasible and effective to be used in Javanese language learning.


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DOI: 10.15294/est.v4i2.29029


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