Suharto Suharto(1),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang


ACTION research has been known and regard as one of the new strategy for teachers development in Indonesia. Trough Word Bank Project, for instance, action research  has been decided as the second  pilot project and today it has being tried out in eleven provinces  in Indonesia, include Central Java.

As a ˜special subject, music, has many problems in teaching. It happens for years particularly in classroom. Unfortunately, there is no serious effort of the teachers to look for what the problems are and how to overcome it. They should know that there are many problems  for the students to learn music in  the class.

The problems of music learning usually happen in the classroom,  both for students or for the teachers. However, as if the teachers do not  care to the problems and become  the problems as a routine duty. The difference of the student music ex-perience problems can influence  the learning process. The different background can also influence the quality of the learning process.

The music learning in the classroom is a teachers responsibility in which they know how the students learn, the students characteristics, study environment, students' motivations, students progression, etc. To reach a good  result of the students achievement need to teachers responsibility efforts to observe, plan, apply, prac­tice, and so on, to get the good way how to the student can learn music well. The way is carried out in   many times, for about five to seven  or even more then that to achieve a good environment and a good way  to teach or how should the students can learn well. To achieve the way above the teacher need to observe trough research. And the properly research to the purpose is action re­search or classroom-based action research (CAR).

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