Application of Evaluation Model to Analyze the Implementation of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Program on Practice Subject of Culinary Arts Program

Muflihatus Sholihah(1), Okta Purnawirawan(2), Chintya Paramita Puspita(3),

(1) SMK Ibu Kartini Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
(2) SMK Ibu Kartini Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
(3) SMK Ibu Kartini Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Clean and Healthy Life Behavior  is one of the suitable programs to be applied to the school in realizing healthy cultured schools. Ibu Kartini Vocational High School, Semarang which has a Culinary Arts Program has certainly implemented the Clean And Healthy Life Behavior program in Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM). One of the applications of the Clean And Healthy Life Behavior program in the KBM is in Practice Subject of Culinary Arts Program, which certainly needs to be evaluated. CIPP Evaluation Model is one of the models that can be applied. The CIPP evaluation model emphasizes the aspect of evaluation in terms of context, input, process and product of a program of activities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Clean And Healthy Life Behavior program in the Practice Subject of Culinary Arts Program from the aspect of evaluating context, input, process, and product. The results of the implementation of the Clean And Healthy Life Behavior program are among others applied to: (1) Hygiene and Sanitation Work Areas; (2) Personal Hygiene Food Handlers / Students; and (3) Occupational Safety Health in the Laboratory / Kitchen Environment. The level of achievement in hygiene sanitation in the kitchen of the Culinary Arts Program  Ibu Kartini Vocational High School in Semarang has "Good" criteria with an achievement value of 73.3% and the achievement of facilities and infrastructure supporting health and safety at work in the kitchen of Culinary Arts Program  Ibu Kartini Vocational High School has “Fair†criteria with achievement value of 51.1%.


Clean and Healthy Life Behavior; Culinary Arts; CIPP Evaluation Model

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