(1) Pusat Kurikulum, Balitbang Diknas Jakarta
The objective of this study is to explore ​​the use of brain based learning approach in character education ​​through formal education. Law insists that education is a conscious effort to develop the potential of every student to become a smart, creative, and noble citizen. Cultural values suggest human condition to live with mutual respect with different values ​​shared together. If this condition is achieved, a harmonious life for all human life can be realized. However, why manners, creativity, independence and other human traits is fading? Education is among the most highlighted. Some extreme opinions has highlighted that the education has uprooted children from their cultural roots. This is caused by monotone and curbing learning, which places child as an object of learning, rather than active subjects. To restore the function of education in the direction expected, the learning climate must be created as closely as possible to real life as well as the integration of curriculum with real things in life. This condition will encourage learners to develop and become intelligent, creative, and noble children. This has become one of the target of the application of the brain based learning.
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