Publication Fee

We apologize for the increase in publication fee in the Kreano-Creative Innovative Mathematics Journal. Based on the Kreano's Editor Board Meeting, starting on Vol. 11 (1) June 2020, Kreano's Publication Fee becomes Rp 700,000 (IDR 700k - Seven Hundred Thousand Rupiah) for each article processed. The author will still get 1 print journal.

Kami memohon maaf atas kenaikan biaya publikasi di Jurnal Kreano. Berdasarkan Rapat Dewan Editor Jurnal Kreano, mulai Vol. 11(1) Juni 2020, Publication Fee Jurnal Kreano menjadi Rp 700.000,- (IDR 700k - Tujuh Ratus Ribu Rupiah) untuk setiap artikel yang diproses. Penulis akan tetap memperoleh 1 eksemplar jurnal cetak.