Implementation of Analytic Network Process Method on Decision Support System of Determination of Scholarship Recipient at House of Lazis Charity UNNES

Primana Oky Rahmanda(1), Riza Arifudin(2), Much Aziz Muslim(3),

(2) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(3) Universitas Negeri Semarang


The scholarship is one of the forms of giving/ rewarding funds to individuals or students to use for sustainability during their education. Scholarships are awarded as government or institutional efforts to ease the burden of students in meeting the need for increasingly expensive education costs. The mechanism for selecting scholarship recipients, the selection team of UNNES Charity House of Lazis still use the scoring of the scholarship scores manually based on the total sum of criteria assessment without considering the priority weighted value of each criterion. So that cause the disbursement of scholarship funds that are not on target. To solve the problem, it is necessary to apply a decision support system to help provide consideration of the award of the scholarship recipient. Decision support system used requires data as a guidance assessment in the form of data criteria and alternative data by implementing Analytic Network Process method. The ANP method is used to determine the criteria and alternate priority weight values and the results are rankings. The purpose of this research is to build and implement ANP method in decision support system of awarding of scholarship recipients. The criteria used include the work of parents, parent income, the amount/ grade of Single Tuition, grade point average cumulative. The results of this study indicate that the use of ANP method implementation can determine the scholarship recipients who declared feasible or not to receive the scholarship based on the ranking results of the priority weight of the alternative.


Scholarship, Analytic Network Process Method, Decision Support System, Ranking.

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Published By Department of Computer Science Universitas Negeri Semarang
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