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Rahmat Al Aziz
Aditya Marianti


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh toksikan Pb pada struktur histopatologik lambung tikus putih jantan galur Wistar yang dipapar Pb per oral. Sampel yang digunakan 10 ekor tikus jantan, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol, kelompok II diberi perlakuan Pb asetat 175 mg/tikus selama 60 hari. Pada hari ke-61, tikus dikorbankan, organ lambung diambil untuk selanjutnya dibuat preparat histopatologik. Perubahan histopatologik yang diamati berupa adanya sel abnormal. Data sel abnormal selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan Paired Sample t-test. Analisis data menggunakan Paired Sample t-test diperoleh hasil nilai sig. 0,038.< 5%, hal ini membuktikan bahwa rata-rata skor sel abnormal kelompok kontrol berbeda signifikan dengan rata-rata skor sel abnormal kelompok Pb asetat. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa paparan kronik Pb per oral menyebabkan perubahan pada struktur histopatologik lambung tikus putih. Karena paparan kronik Pb per oral dapat menyebabkan perubahan pada struktur histopatologik lambung, diharapkan bisa menjadi peringatan dini tentang bahaya Pb pada organ pencernaan.

This study aimed to analyze the effect of the Pb toxicant on gastric histopathological structure male albino rats Wistar strain were exposed of Pb per oral. The sample used 10 male rats were divided into two groups. First group as control, and second group was given treatment of Pb 175 mg/rat for 60 days. On 61th day, the rats were sacrificed, the gastric organs were taken for histopathologic preparations. The observed histopathological changes were of abnormal cells. The abnormal cells data were analyzed with Paired Sample t-test. The data were analyzed using Paired Sample t-test, obtained sig. value 0.038. <5%, it  proved that the average of abnormal cells score of the control group was differ from the average of the abnormal cells score of Pb acetate group. Based on this study, can be concluded that Pb chronic exposure per oral could caused changes on the gastric histopathologic structure of albino rats. Because Pb chronic exposure per oral could cause changes on the gastric histopathologic structure, is expected to be an early warning about the dangers of Pb in the digestive organs.

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How to Cite
Aziz, R., & Marianti, A. (1). EFEK PAPARAN KRONIK TIMBAL (Pb) PER ORAL PADA STRUKTUR HISTOPATOLOGIK LAMBUNG TIKUS PUTIH. Life Science, 3(2). Retrieved from http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/UnnesJLifeSci/article/view/4564


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