BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 2023-01-12T16:04:06+07:00 Akaat Hasjiandito, M.Pd. [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&nbsp;</a></strong></p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Indonesian Version</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal ini mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan hasil pemikiran di bidang pendidikan dan perkembangan anak, aplikasi teori dan konsep dalam Pembelajaran anak usia dini (AUD).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>English Version</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The objective of this journal is to facilitate researchers, students and lecturers publication media in accomodating their research and conceptual study results especially in the areas of education and child development,&nbsp; and theory and concept application on the childhood learning.</p> FATHER'S INVOLVEMENT IN LEARNING FROM HOME PROGRAM DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2023-01-12T16:04:02+07:00 Aisyah Durrotun Nafisah [email protected] Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto [email protected] <p>This study aims to find out the level of Father's involvement in learning from home program during covid-19 pandemic in Purwosari village. The approach in this study used a mixture method of sequential explantation with the type of survey research. The subject in this study was father who had kindergarten children in Purwosari Village. Sampling technique was a census technique using the entire population of 85 fathers in 1 village in Purwosari Village, Patebon District, Kendal Regency. Data collection techniques were conducted with questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive analysis of percentages and scores, while qualitative data were analyzed using the Miles and Hubermans model.</p> <p>The results of this study showed the level of father’s involvement in the home learning program amid covid-19 in Purwosari Village was a low category with a percentage of 53% and an average score of 2.49. With the results on each aspect can be described as follows, in Paternal Aspects Engagement had an average value of 2.67 which was in the medium category, the Paternal Accessibility aspect had an average value of 2.53 which was in the medium category, and the Paternal Responsibility aspect had an average value of 2.27 which was in the low category. The conclusion in this study was that the father basically had an understanding and awareness about the involvement in the home learning program, but in practice the father had not been able to fully present in accompanying the child in the home learning program. In addition, in the Paternal Responsibility aspect got the lowest result of 2.27 so that the father needs to be fully present in accompanying the child in the home learning program.</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SEXUAL EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDREN 2023-01-12T16:04:02+07:00 Dewi Rulianti [email protected] Amirul Mukminin [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study is to explain how sexual education in early childhood and to explain the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in providing sexual education to early childhood in the area of ​​RT.012/RW.05, Kel. Kalipancur, Kec. Ngaliyan. This type of research uses qualitative research methods, namely researchers describe a problem found in the field and the results of their findings and discussed in depth with existing theories. The sampling technique used in this research is snowball sampling. Snowball sampling technique is a data collection technique based on references from key informants to who are supporting informants and uses data analysis from the interactive technique proposed by Miles and Huberman with 4 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From the results of this study, there are 4 aspects of providing sexual education to early childhood, namely 1). biological aspects 2). social aspects, 3). psychological aspects and 4). spiritual aspect. Supporting factors in providing sexual education for early childhood are the support and cooperation between family members and parenting seminars to increase knowledge in providing education to children, especially sexual education in early childhood. The inhibiting factor in sexual education in early childhood is the thought of some people who consider this education taboo and not suitable for their age and the existence of sites that provide information about this education that is not correct in providing information.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Society, Sexual Education, Early Childhood</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ONLINE LEARNING STRATEGIES BASED ON TEACHERS AND PARENTS COLLABORATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2023-01-12T16:04:03+07:00 Dewi Hajar [email protected] Reni Pawestuti Ambari Sumanto [email protected] <p>This study aims to: 1) Explain online learning strategies based on collaboration between teachers and parents during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Nusa Indah Kangkung PAUD Post, Kendal Regency. 2) Explaining the challenges of implementing online learning based on collaboration between teachers and parents during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Nusa Indah Kangkung PAUD Post, Kendal Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The time required is 4 months, namely January 2021 to May 2021. Data triangulation techniques are used to obtain valid data by comparing one data to another. Data was collected through interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Observations were made to find out online learning strategies based on collaboration between teachers and parents of PAUD school students. The research subjects were one school principal, one teacher and two parents of the Nusa Indah Kangkung Post PAUD students. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results of the research conducted by researchers are as follows: 1). The constructivist pedagogical strategy is a strategy used in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Nusa Indah Kangkung PAUD Post, this strategy includes collaboration, projects, questions and discussions. 2). The main challenges faced by teachers and parents when collaborating in the implementation of online learning are network limitations, lack of training, lack of awareness, and interest of students and parents. Schools and teachers implement government policies to study from home as an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 but at the same time ensure students are engaged in constructive activities through online learning. Various online media platforms are used in online learning, while teachers, students, and parents continue to make adjustments over time. However, the implementation of online learning has obstacles or constraints both from the aspect of human resources and infrastructure.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Strategy, Online Learning, Collaboration, Covid-19 Pandemic</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## AFTER DARKNESS, COMES PAUD: IMPLEMENTATION OF RA KARTINI'S LEGACIES IN TK NEGERI PEMBINA JERUKWANGI 2023-01-12T16:04:03+07:00 Elma Noviyanti [email protected] Ali Formen [email protected] <p>This study was aimed at describing the implementation of R.A. Kartini’s legacies in TK Negeri Pembina Jerukwangi Jepara. The data in this study was gerenated through observation and interviews, then analyzed using Miles’ and Huberman’s model in Sugiyono (2018).&nbsp; The findings show that the promotion of R.A. Kartini’s legacies in TK Negeri Pembina Jerukwangi Jepara is to imitate her positive virtues and character in general such as her reading habit, hard work, caring and loving other, and non discriminatory attitude. The promotion of Kartini legalicies includes such aktivities as wearing the Jepara Javanese school uniform resembling Kartini's apparel, commemorating Kartini Day, story telling of Kartini's life, field trips to destination related to Kartini, Mareover, Kartini's legacy is also implemented as parts of institutional governance. In this respect, the promotion be seen in the development of local curricural contents.</p> <p>This study was aimed at describing the implementation of R.A. Kartini’s legacies in TK Negeri Pembina Jerukwangi Jepara. The data in this study was gerenated through observation and interviews, then analyzed using Miles’ and Huberman’s model in Sugiyono (2018).&nbsp; The findings show that the promotion of R.A. Kartini’s legacies in TK Negeri Pembina Jerukwangi Jepara is to imitate her positive virtues and character in general such as her reading habit, hard work, caring and loving other, and non discriminatory attitude. The promotion of Kartini legalicies includes such aktivities as wearing the Jepara Javanese school uniform resembling Kartini's apparel, commemorating Kartini Day, story telling of Kartini's life, field trips to destination related to Kartini, Mareover, Kartini's legacy is also implemented as parts of institutional governance. In this respect, the promotion be seen in the development of local curricural contents.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>R.A. Kartini’s Legacy, Implementation, Institutional Governance.</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTATION OF STEAM LEARNING IN CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS AT TALENTA TK SEMARANG 2023-01-12T16:04:03+07:00 Khofifah Nuraini [email protected] Ni Kadek Aris Rahmadani [email protected] <p>STEAM learning explores creative thinking using a child-centred approach that includes technology-based learning and problem-solving. This study discusses the implementation of STEAM learning in children aged 5-6 years at Talenta Kindergarten Semarang. This study aims to determine the implementation of STEAM learning on children aged 5-6 years at Talenta Kindergarten Semarang. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. The techniques for collecting data are interviews, observation, and document review. The data analysis technique goes through several stages: data collection, documentation, data reduction, presentation, and verification. This study aims to determine the implementation of STEAM learning in Talenta Kindergarten. The data subjects are the Principal, Kindergarten B Teachers, Parents, and Children. The source of data in this research is based on a document review by looking at the process of learning planning, namely RPPM and RPPH. The results in this study include the following: a) STEAM learning planning for children aged 5-6 years at Talenta Kindergarten Semarang, namely the preparation of learning plans carried out by teachers, b) Implementation of STEAM learning for children aged 5-6 years at Talenta Kindergarten Semarang by looking at the teacher's learning and stimulation of ABK using loose parts, and c) The advantages and disadvantages of STEAM learning which shows that STEAM learning has advantages and disadvantages when applied to children with special needs (ABK) so that proper stimulation is needed. Researchers hope that the implementation of STEAM learning in Talenta Kindergarten can follow children's needs and the expected learning objectives.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Learning Planning, Learning Implementation, Inclusion, STEAM</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION OF TEACHERS AND BLIND CHILDREN IN INTRODUCING EARLY LITERACY IN SLB A YKAB SURAKARTA 2023-01-12T16:04:04+07:00 Miftakhul Lutfi Fauziah [email protected] Diana Diana [email protected] <p>This aim of this study is to explain how interpersonal communication of teachers and blind children in SLB A YKAB Surakarta in introducing early literacy, as well as factors that support and hinder interpersonal communication. This research is a descriptive qualitative case study research using observation method, interview and documentation methods in collecting data. Observations were made to observe the introduction of early literacy activities in the classroom, and then it continued with interviews with educators and parents. The collected documents serve as supporting data. Respondents used in this study were blind children, parents of students, class teachers and vice-principals in SLB A YKAB Surakarta. The technique used in data analysis is the theory of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are about interpersonal communication of teachers and blind children in introducing early literacy. The introduction of early literacy in blind children teachers uses verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal communication. Verbal communication used in the form of speech, singing and storytelling, nonverbal communication used through directives and hand movements, and paraverbal communication used through emphasis and intonation. Supporting factors in interpersonal communication to introduce early literacy to blind children are: (1) There is mutual trust (2) Openness (3) Comfortable environment. While the inhibiting factors are the condition of blind children, they are (1) The condition of students, the condition of students who are not only visually impaired becomes a teacher obstacle, the intended condition is the physical and psychological condition of the child.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Interpersonal Communication, Blind Children, Early Literacy, Supporting Factors, Inhibiting Factors</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EDUCATION UNIT STRATEGY TO IMPLEMENT HEALTHY SCHOOL PROGRAMS 2023-01-12T16:04:04+07:00 Nanik Nadhifah [email protected] Lita Latiana [email protected] <p>Kartini Early Childhood Education (PAUD Kartini) implements a healthy school program by developing six aspects of the development field, including learning development, infrastructure development, employment development, partnership development, school management development, and funding development. This research aims to find out the strategies used by PAUD Kartini in implementing healthy school programs. Research methods used is qualitative research method. The results of the study show that there are several factors supporting the implementation of healthy school program including the involvement of other parties, adequate infrastructure, the existence of health services and the existence of health education. Inhibiting factors include student health habit is still lacking, the teachers still need to learn about health, and large funding problem. The conclusion of the study is that PAUD Kartini has a strategy to implement a healthy school program and the presence of supporting factors and inhibitory factors that arise.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Education Unit, Healthy School, Early Childhood Education (PAUD)</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## LEARNING ASSESSMENT FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN INCLUSIVE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2023-01-12T16:04:04+07:00 Siswiyanti Siswiyanti [email protected] Henny Puji Astuti [email protected] <p>The objective of this study was to explain the learning assessment for children with special needs in the inclusion institution of Talenta Kindergarten in Semarang as well as several supporting and inhibiting factors regarding the assessment. The type of research used for this study was qualitative, it was when the researcher described the findings based on the actual conditions in the reality and compared it to the existing theories. The result showed that regarding the teachers’ way in conducting learning assessments, there were three stages, namely 1) the planning stage which included initial observations, designing learning programs that were adjusted to the basic competencies; 2) the implementation stage which was the process of implementing the assessment (observation, performance, and interview), continuity, and the assessment tools; 3) the documentation stage which was reporting the results of assessment. Factors that were supporting the learning assessment were institutional support in the form of providing training programs for the teachers, the availability of information about the proces and learning outcomes from parents and the results of children’s therapy that would be used as reference for the teachers. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors for the learning assessment were the lack of parental cooperation in providing children’s data so that the assessment could not be conducted properly, the limited space and time of teachers during online learning so that not all of the children’s learning activities could be seen directly, and teachers’ fatigue during their taking home visit caused the learning time was shorter and the assessment was not accurate.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>learning assessment, inclusion, children with special needs</p> 2022-06-22T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CHILD PARENTING IN EARLY MARRIAGE COUPLES IN FLAT VILLAGE DAYEUHLUHUR DISTRICT CILACAP REGENCY 2023-01-12T16:04:05+07:00 Sri Wahyuni [email protected] Neneng Tasuah [email protected] <p>This study focused on childcare in early marriage couples in Datar Village, Dayeuhluhur District, Cilacap Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe childcare in early marriage couples in Datar Village, Dayeuhluhur District, Cilacap Regency. In addition, the study also aims to explain the inhibitory factors that arise in childcare in early marriage couples. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The subjects in this study involved 3 (three) main respondents, namely women who married early and involved 5 (five) supporting respondents consisting of three neighbors of the main respondents, the village head and one KUA (Office of Religious Affairs) officials. Data collection techniques use interviews, observations and documentation. Based on interviews, customary and educational factors are considered to be the most dominant factors to cause early marriage in Dayeuhluhur District. The customary factor where children who go to junior high school begins to be matched and this becomes cultured in the area, for educational factors where the children there are mostly junior high school graduates and the highly educated are slightly because the distance from the village to high school is quite far away. Data analysis uses Miles and Huberman's theory of data reduction, data presentation and inference. Then the validity of the data is viewed using data triangulation. The results showed that 1) Pola fostering children of early marriage couples in Datar Village, Dayehluhur District, Cilacap Regency is a democratic parenting while still providing advice to children and implementing <em>a reward and punishment</em> system so that children can behave disciplined and responsible with their actions. 2) In terms of obstacles there are two, namely internal and external obstacles. Internal barriers come from within the parents themselves while external barriers come from the environment, culture and socio-economic status of parents who perform early marriage in Datar Village.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Keywords</strong> : childcare; early marriage.</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE INFLUENCE OF KRUCIL PUPPET MEDIA TOWARD THE REGIONAL LANGUAGE ABILITY OF BLORA LEH DIALECT IN KINDERGARTEN B CHILDREN 2023-01-12T16:04:05+07:00 Terra Ayu Puspita [email protected] Agustinus Arum Eka N [email protected] <p>This study aimed to find out the effect of <em>kruci</em><em> puppet</em> media on regional language skills of Blora dialect leh in Kindergarden B children at Pertiwi Kindergarden, Randublatung District, Blora Regency. This research was an experimental quantitative research using one group pretest-posttest design. The sample of this research was 42 children of Kindergarten B children in Pertiwi Kindergarten, Randublatung District, Blora Regency in the 2018/2019. After the treatment using the <em>kruci</em><em> puppet</em><em>l</em> media, it was obtained that the result of the increase in pretest percentage was 41.3% increased to the percentage of posttest 58.7%. The result showed that there was an increase in pretest and posttest by 17.4%. Based on statistical calculations through paired sample t-test, obtained (t count &lt;- t table or t count&gt; t table), namely (-75,339&lt;2,021 or 75,339&gt; 2.021), with a probability value (Sig. 2 tailed) = 0.00. The conclusion showed that Ho is rejected and Ha was accepted, it meant that there is an influence of <em>krucil puppet </em>media on the regional language skills of Blora dialect leh in TK B children in TK Pertiwi, Randublatung District, Blora Regency.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Kindergarten B children, Blora regional language leh dialect, Krucil puppet</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE CORRELATION OF INTEREST IN PLAYING OUTBOUND WITH CONFIDENCE CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS 2023-01-12T16:04:05+07:00 Triska Windarti Pamungkas [email protected] Sri Sularti Dewanti Handayani [email protected] <p>Play is an important activity for children. Through play, children can learn about new things and develop various abilities. One of the activities that can be done is playing outbound. Outbound activities can stimulate children to push competition between one child and another, develop courage and develop the physical, motoric and social emotional aspects of children. However, there are still many children who are afraid to try outbound because they are not confident in their abilities. This study aims to identify the correlation between interest in playing outbound with the self-confidence of children aged 5-6 years on the De Bale Cingkrong Purwodadi playground. The method of this study uses quantitative methods with questionnaires, interviews, and documentation as instruments in data collection. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between interest in playing outbound with children's self-confidence in the de bale Cingkrong Purwodadi playground. The results also reveal that parents have an awareness that children need the freedom to explore various activities, one of which is by playing outbound.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> playing outbound, self-confidence.</p> 2022-06-23T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##