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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi, mengetahui tingkat pendidikan anak, dan mengetahui pengaruh kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat buruh batik, petani, dan nelayan terhadap tingkat pendidikan anak di Kecamatan Wiradesa Kabupaten Pekalongan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keluarga buruh batik, petani, dan nelayan di daerah penelitian yang jumlahnya ada 14.336 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Area Probability Sampling, Proportional Sampling, dan Random Sampling sebanyak 115 responden yang terdiri dari 60 responden buruh batik di Desa Wiradesa, 20 responden petani di Desa Bondansari, dan 35 responden nelayan di Desa Bener. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, observasi, dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentatif dan analisis regresi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa besarnya nilai R square paling tinggi yaitu pada keluarga petani sebesar 93,7%, kemudian keluarga buruh batik sebesar 62,8%, dan yang paling rendah pada keluarga nelayan sebesar 55,5%.
This study aims to understand the socio-economic conditions, knowing the level education of the child, and determine the effect of socio-economic conditions of the community batik workers, farmers, and fishermen on the level of education of children in the District Wiradesa Pekalongan. The population in this study is a family of batik workers, farmers and fishermen in the study area there are 14,336 people in number. The sampling technique used is the Area Probability Sampling, Proportional Sampling and Random Sampling as many as 115 respondents consisting of 60 respondents in the village Wiradesa batik laborers, 20 farmers in the village Bondansari respondents, and 35 respondents Bener fishing village. Data collection techniques using documentation, observation, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis and regression analysis persentatif. Based on the survey results revealed that the value of R square highest ie 93.7% of farm families, and families batik workers at 62.8%, and the lowest at 55.5% for family fishing.
This study aims to understand the socio-economic conditions, knowing the level education of the child, and determine the effect of socio-economic conditions of the community batik workers, farmers, and fishermen on the level of education of children in the District Wiradesa Pekalongan. The population in this study is a family of batik workers, farmers and fishermen in the study area there are 14,336 people in number. The sampling technique used is the Area Probability Sampling, Proportional Sampling and Random Sampling as many as 115 respondents consisting of 60 respondents in the village Wiradesa batik laborers, 20 farmers in the village Bondansari respondents, and 35 respondents Bener fishing village. Data collection techniques using documentation, observation, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis and regression analysis persentatif. Based on the survey results revealed that the value of R square highest ie 93.7% of farm families, and families batik workers at 62.8%, and the lowest at 55.5% for family fishing.
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