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Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang sangat pesat mendorong berbagai lembaga pendidikan memanfaatkan sistem E-learning untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan fleksibilitas pembelajaran. Facebook adalah situs web jejaring sosial memiliki fitur dan aplikasi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan E-learning Geografi melalui media berbasis web (facebook) dan untuk mengetahui ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa setelah menerapkan E-learning Geografi melalui media berbasis web (facebook). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri di kota Tegal. Penentuan sampel dengan teknik Sample Random Sampling, maka diperoleh kelas X6, X7, X8, X3, dan X5 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Post test digunakan untuk memperoleh data hasil belajar siswa; observasi digunakan untuk memperoleh data aktivitas siswa dan kinerja guru pada saat pembelajaran; dan angket digunakan untuk memperoleh data tanggapan siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentase dan uji proporsi satu pihak (uji z). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa kelas X pada kelas eksperimen sudah memiliki akun facebook dan dapat menerapkannya dalam pembelajaran Geografi dengan baik. Hasil uji ketuntasan belajar diperoleh siswa kelas eksperimen telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar klasikal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat dikatakan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan penerapan E-learning Geografi melalui media berbasis web (facebook) pada materi pokok Hidrosfer dapat mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) klasikal.
The development of information and communication technology are rapidly pushing the various educational institutions make use of E-learning system to increase the effectivity and flexibility of learning. Facebook is a social networking website has features and applications that can be developed as a learning media. The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of Geography E-learning through web-based media (facebook) and to determine the mastery learning of student learning result after implementing Geography E-learning through web-based (Facebook). The population of this research were students of X grade high schools in the city of Tegal. Determination of the sample used Simple Random Sampling technique, the obtained class X6, X7, X8, X3, and X5 as a experiment group. Post test was used to obtain data on student learning result, observation are used to obtain student and teacher performance activities during the learning, and questionnaires are used to obtain student responses data. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis of the percentage and proportion of the test (z test). The result showed that all the students of X grade in the experimental group already has a facebook account and can apply it in a geograpy lesson well. The result of the mastery learning test obtained that experimental group have achived classical mastery learning. Based on these result, we can say that learning that using classical Geography E-learning implementation through web-based media (Facebook) on the subject matter hydrosphere can achieve a classical KKM.
The development of information and communication technology are rapidly pushing the various educational institutions make use of E-learning system to increase the effectivity and flexibility of learning. Facebook is a social networking website has features and applications that can be developed as a learning media. The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of Geography E-learning through web-based media (facebook) and to determine the mastery learning of student learning result after implementing Geography E-learning through web-based (Facebook). The population of this research were students of X grade high schools in the city of Tegal. Determination of the sample used Simple Random Sampling technique, the obtained class X6, X7, X8, X3, and X5 as a experiment group. Post test was used to obtain data on student learning result, observation are used to obtain student and teacher performance activities during the learning, and questionnaires are used to obtain student responses data. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis of the percentage and proportion of the test (z test). The result showed that all the students of X grade in the experimental group already has a facebook account and can apply it in a geograpy lesson well. The result of the mastery learning test obtained that experimental group have achived classical mastery learning. Based on these result, we can say that learning that using classical Geography E-learning implementation through web-based media (Facebook) on the subject matter hydrosphere can achieve a classical KKM.
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