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Alfian Maulana
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Unnes
Supartono Supartono
Affiliation not stated
Sri Mursiti
Affiliation not stated
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Isolasi dan Uji Antibakteri Minyak Daun Sirih Hijau dan Merah Terhadap Streptococcus mutans.
The purpose of this research is to identify the chemical content and compare the antibacterial effect of Piper betle L and Piper crocatum R oil against Streptococcus mutan. Betel oil is made at 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% concentration and amoxicillin 0.2% as positive control and propylene glycol as negative control. The research method started with oil isolation using distillation of steam and water then identified the content using GC-MS. Antibacterial activity was tested against Streptococcus mutans by disc diffusion method. The results of this research indicate that Piper betle L and Piper crocatum R oil contains terpenoid group compounds. After being characterized using GC-MS, betel oil contains 5 major active compounds that have antibacterial activity that is Sabinene, Myrsene, Camphene, Germacrene and β - Chariophillene. Piper betle oil has better antibacterial properties than Piper crocatum oil with clear zone reaches 10.5 mm while Piper crocatum oil is 7.1 mm.