Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science 2023-11-14T22:11:48+07:00 Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&nbsp;</a></strong></p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science [P-ISSN&nbsp;2252-6951 | E-ISSN&nbsp;2502-6844] publishes basic research articles and conceptual of Chemistry, issued three (3) times a year, overall 10 articles per issued. To commemorate important events and agenda, may be issued a special edition that will include 10 articles in each issue.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Abstracting &amp; Indexing:&nbsp;<a href=";hl=id&amp;authuser=6">Google Scholar</a>,<a href="">&nbsp;GARUDA</a>,<a href="">&nbsp;SINTA</a></p> Antibacterial Test of Bay Leaf (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp.) Extract on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in Mouthwash 2023-11-14T22:04:09+07:00 Elisabeth Carolina Pangestu [email protected] Samuel Budi Wardhana Kusuma [email protected] <p>Infeksi rongga mulut yang diakibatkan bakteri menjadi perhatian dalam kesehatan masyarakat. Pemanfaatan <em>mouthwash</em> ekstrak daun salam sebagai antibakteri mampu menekan pertumbuhan bakteri, sehingga kesehatan rongga mulut terjaga. Daun salam diekstrak menggunakan metode maserasi dengan beberapa jenis pelarut seperti etanol 96%, etil asetat, n-heksana dan kloroform dengan nilai rendemen sebesar 4,6%, 4%, <br>3,6%, dan 3,8%. Ekstrak akan melalui uji fitokimia, identifikasi menggunakan FTIR dan GC-MS serta uji antibakteri terhadap bakteri <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> dan <em>Escherichia coli</em> untuk mendapatkan ekstrak daun salam terbaik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan GC-MS, pelarut etanol 96% mampu mengekstrak 21 senyawa metabolit sekunder, sedangkan pada pelarut lain hanya mampu mengekstrak 16 senyawa. Hasil uji antibakteri menunjukkan diameter zona hambat ekstrak pelarut etanol 96% dan etil asetat terhadap bakteri <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> sebesar 12 mm, sedangkan pada bakteri <em>Escherichia coli</em> tidak muncul diameter zona hambat. Ekstrak daun salam pelarut etanol 96% dipilih sebagai bahan aktif pada sediaan <em>mouthwash&nbsp;</em>karena terkandung senyawa aktif antibakteri dari golongan alkaloid dan terpenoid. Hasil uji antibakteri terhadap sediaan <em>mouthwash</em> ekstrak daun salam diperoleh diameter zona hambat terhadap bakteri <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> sebesar 2 mm, sedangkan pada <em>Escherichia coli</em> tidak membentuk zona hambat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penggunaan konsentrasi ekstrak daun salam yang rendah saat formulasi sediaan <em>mouthwash</em>.</p> 2023-11-13T20:23:34+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Preparation of NaOH/CaO Superbase Catalysts from Limestone for the Biodiesel Production 2023-11-14T22:04:09+07:00 Sintia Muharani [email protected] Mustain Zamhari [email protected] Erwana Dewi [email protected] <p>Kebutuhan energi yang semakin meningkat menuntut penemuan energi baru dan terbarukan, salah satunya adalah biodiesel dari minyak tanaman atau lemak hewan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan biodiesel alternatif dari minyak jelantah melalui reaksi transesterifikasi menggunakan katalis CaO modifikasi. Proses preparasi katalis CaO dari batu kapur melibatkan kalsinasi pada suhu 700°C, 800°C, dan 900°C. Katalis CaO superbasa diperoleh dengan perendaman dalam larutan amonium karbonat dan dipanaskan kembali pada suhu 900°C. Penelitian ini mencakup uji coba dengan variasi waktu dan suhu reaksi untuk memahami peran katalis dalam proses pembuatan biodiesel. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan bahwa katalis yang dikalsinasi pada suhu 900°C selama 4 jam memberikan hasil paling optimal, dengan intensitas 1656,88 yang mengindikasikan dominasi senyawa CaO. Penggunaan katalis CaO superbasa menghasilkan biodiesel dengan konversi mencapai 99,9% dan kadar ester mencapai 98,82%-99,07%. Biodiesel yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar SNI untuk densitas dan titik nyala, namun viskositas masih berada di bawah standar. Analisis kinetika reaksi transesterifikasi menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi reaksi dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan katalis CaO modifikasi. Prosedur percobaan juga meliputi penentuan kandungan asam lemak bebas pada minyak jelantah, yang berhasil memenuhi standar industri dengan FFA maksimal 1%. Selain itu, yield biodiesel dipengaruhi oleh perbandingan mol minyak terhadap metanol dan konsentrasi katalis.</p> 2023-11-13T20:30:28+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effect of Alkaline Catalyst Concentrations and Weight Ratios of Oil to Methanol on the Biodiesel Production From Waste Cooking Oil 2023-11-14T22:04:09+07:00 Anggi Dwi Chandrika [email protected] Muhammad Yerizam [email protected] Anerasari Meidinariasty [email protected] <p>The effect of alkaline catalyst and raw material ratio for the transesterification reaction of used cooking oil that has been previously processed has been investigated. The research was conducted by reacting the waste cooking oil with methoxy solution to obtain biodiesel. The purpose of the research was to obtain the optimum condition of the transesterification reaction, the best percent yield, and the compounds contained in the biodiesel and to compare the biodiesel obtained with SNI 7182:2015 based on the parameters of density, acid number, flash point, and cetane number. Based on the results of the study, the optimum condition obtained was at a ratio of 1:12 with a 2% KOH alkali catalyst and a yield of 92.65%. The biodiesel quality test results meet the standard requirements according to SNI 7182: 2015 with a density value of 0.86 gr/cm<sup>3</sup>, viscosity of 4.205 cSt, acid number 0.23 mgKOH/g, flash point 176.2 <sup>o</sup>C, and cetane number 68.2. The results of GCMS analysis showed 9 peaks identified with the main components of the compounds contained were hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester; 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester; 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester.</p> 2023-11-13T20:36:59+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Evaluation of Formalin Content In the Processed Food In Pasar Minggu South Jakarta Using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 2023-11-14T22:04:10+07:00 Patimah Patimah [email protected] Aulia Yumiatul Khumairoh [email protected] <p>Pangan olahan adalah makanan/minuman hasil proses dengan metode tertentu. Makanan seperti mie, bakso, kwetiau dan jajanan lainnya yang mengandung protein dan kadar air tinggi menyebabkan pangan tidak tahan lama. Hal itu membuat banyak produsen menggunakan bahan formalin sebagai bahan tambahan untuk mengawetkan makanan. Formalin merupakan zat kimia berbahaya bagi manusia apabila dikonsumsi, karena dapat menyebabkan kanker hingga kematian. Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan formalin pada produk pangan olahan yang beredar di Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap sepuluh produk pangan olahan menggunakan metode Spektrofotometri UV-Vis dengan pereaksi nash setelah didestilasi. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan di laboratorium F.2.4 Program Studi DIII Analisis Farmasi dan Makanan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta II terdapat enam sampel mengandung formalin dengan kadar tertinggi yaitu mie kuning sebesar 24,7554 mg/kg, kwetiau 1,5159 mg/kg,&nbsp; otak-otak sebesar 1,3850 mg/kg, bakso ayam 1,1229 mg/kg, ikan asin tembang 0,3099 mg/kg dan kadar terendah sampel tahu putih sebesar 0,1901 mg/kg. Sampel dimsum , bakso sapi, ayam, dan ikan asin pirik tidak mengandung formalin. Menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No.033 Tahun 2012 tentang Bahan Tambahan Pangan, formalin dilarang penggunaannya dalam bahan tambahan pangan. Maka dapat disimpulkan enam sampel dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat (TMS) dan empat sampel lainnya memenuhi syarat (MS).</p> 2023-11-13T20:42:17+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Cr and Pb in Green Mussels from the Fish Auction Site, Klidang Lor, Batang Using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) 2023-11-14T22:04:10+07:00 Kholisatuz Zahro [email protected] Khusna Santika Rahmasari [email protected] Achmad Vandian Nur [email protected] W Wirasti [email protected] <p>Kerang merupakan biota yang populer digunakan untuk mendeteksi pencemaran karena hubungannya dengan sedimen, sifatnya yang <em>filter</em> <em>feeder</em>, dan kemampuannya untuk mengakumulasi polutan. Logam berat yang terpapar dalam kerang, kemudian dikonsumsi oleh manusia akan menimbulkan efek toksik pada manusia bila terakumulasi pada konsentrasi tinggi, serta dapat bersifat neurotoksik, karsinogenik, mutagenik atau teratogenik bahkan menimbulkan kematian. Kromium (Cr(VI)) dapat mempengaruhi saluran pernapasan, ginjal, pembuluh darah, dan kulit, sedangkan paparan timbal (Pb(II)) dapat mempengaruhi saraf, pernapasan, saluran kemih, dan dapat menyebabkan penyakit kardiovaskular. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar Cr(VI) dan Pb(II) pada kerang hijau yang di peroleh dari Tempat Pelelangan Ikan, Klidang Lor, Kabupaten Batang. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara secara kuantitatif menggunakan metode AAS (<em>Atomic</em> <em>Absorption</em> <em>Spectrophotometry</em>). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kerang hijau mengandung kromium sebesar 2,84 mg/Kg. Kadar Cr(VI) dalam sampel kerang hijau melebihi batas 1 mg/Kg yang ditetapkan oleh <em>Centre Food Safety, Hong Kong</em> pada tahun 2018. Kandungan Pb(II) kerang hijau sebesar 5,62 mg/Kg. Sampel kerang hijau melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan oleh BPOM dan SNI setara dengan 1,5 mg/Kg.</p> 2023-11-13T20:47:15+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Calcium Levels in Yoghurt Drinks Using a UV-Visible Spectrophotometry Method 2023-11-14T22:04:10+07:00 Elfina Salsabila [email protected] Erfan Priyambodo [email protected] <p>This experiment study aims to determine the levels of calcium in yoghurt drink using the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. UV-Vis spectrophotometry was used to measure calcium concentrations in murexids by observing the color change that occurred as a result of the synthesis of calcium complex compounds under alkaline circumstances. Both qualitative and quantitative procedures were used in the study. The presence of calcium in yogurt was evaluated using a qualitative method. The murexid solution, the standard calcium solution (CaCl<sub>2</sub>.2H<sub>2</sub>O), the maximum wavelength, the standard curve, and the calcium content of yogurt were all measured in a quantitative analysis. The findings confirmed that calcium levels in yogurt drinks may be measured using UV-Visible spectrophotometry. Maximum wavelength generated in this study was 523 nm, and the research used calcium concentrations of 0.2 ppm, 0.4 ppm, 0.6 ppm, 0.8 ppm, and 1.0 ppm. Absorbance measurements taken from calcium standard solutions at these concentrations ranged from 0.264 to 0.288 to 0.304 to 0.351 to 0.424. Linear regression was performed, and the derived equation is y = 0.1915x + 0.2113 with R = 0.9575 and R2 = 0.9168. Sample A had an average calcium concentration of 2.0397 mg/mL, as shown by the absorbance values of 0.521 and 0.555. In contrast, sample B's calcium concentration was 2.2895 mg/mL. Sample B of the yogurts had a calcium concentration of 2.2895 mg/mL, making it the superior option.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Calcium, Murexide, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, Yogurt</p> 2023-11-13T20:50:39+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effect Of The Extraction Methods On The Identification Of Caffeine In The Extract Of Dragon Fruit Peel 2023-11-14T22:04:10+07:00 Reza pratama saputra [email protected] Nurlita Julianti [email protected] Azhari Firmansyah [email protected] Rhamal Amir [email protected] Aden Dhana Rizkita [email protected] Sintia Ayu Dewi [email protected] <p>Dragon fruit is a fruit that is abundantly available in Indonesia. Dragon fruit peel of Hylocereus sp. has become an increasingly popular natural ingredient in the food and beverage industry as it contains rich nutrients that can improve heart health, maintain healthy skin, support weight loss, boost our immune system, and make the body refreshed, including bioactive compounds such as alkaloids. The aim of this study was to identify the most effective extraction method in isolating caffeine compounds from dragon fruit peels. The methods used were maceration, percolation, reflux and fractionation extraction methods. Then for analysis using chromatography method KLT plate Silica Gel GF 254 and compound analysis using HPLC with flow rate of 2 ml/min, pump pressure 75 kgf/cm2, oven temperature 45o C, maximum temperature 85o C, wavelength 275 nm and isocratic eluent flow mode. &nbsp;Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that to determine the content of compounds in dragon fruit peel can be done by maceration, percolation and reflux methods. There is caffein at a retention time of 0.7 minutes</p> 2023-11-13T20:54:27+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Recovery of Indantren from Batik Liquid Waste after Fabric Dying and its Application 2023-11-14T22:04:10+07:00 Maghfiroh Maghfiroh [email protected] Daru Anggara Murty [email protected] Hutami Puji Lestari [email protected] <p>The remaining dyes have been reused, namely indantren which were wasted after the batik coloring process was finished. This study aims to determine the quality of the color test results, fastness to soap washing, dry rubbing and perspiration (acid and base) of the dyes indantren on fabrics after recovery process using the sedimentation method. The process of recovering indantren dyes is carried out by the method of sedimentation of indantren dyes in the residual waste of the dyeing process. The sediment obtained was dried at 80ºC using an oven to obtain the recovered indantren dye powder and then applied to dye cotton fabrics. The fabric color evaluation stage is carried out to test the aging and fastness of recovered indantren dyes if the dyes are reused in the batik process. The color intensity test was carried out using a UV-PC spectrophotometer, the color fastness test to washing soap and perspiration (acid and base) with the gray scale, and the color fastness test to dry rubbing using the staining scale. The results showed that the three types of recovered indantren dyes used in this study had good quality for reuse in the coloring process. Remaining indantren dyes that can be reused are 32,8% of the mass of indantren used in the initial coloring process. The color fastness test to soap washing, dry rubbing and perspiration of the indantren dyes yielded good scores.</p> 2023-11-13T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Potential of the Mangosteen Peel Extract (Garnicia mangostana L.) as a Bioreductor in the Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles 2023-11-14T22:04:11+07:00 Gladys Javani [email protected] Suyatno Sutoyo [email protected] <p>The development of nanoparticle-based technology is currently of particular concern to scientists. This is because nanoparticles have many benefits in the health, industrial and food fields. The use of gold and silver metal-based nanoparticles has begun to be widely studied, but copper metal is still rarely developed. The manufacture of copper nanoparticles is carried out by synthesis using bioreductors derived from plants. Aquades extract of mangosteen rind (Garnicia mangostana L.) can be used as a bioreductor because it contains secondary metabolites that can reduce Cu ions during the synthesis process. This study aims to identify the secondary metabolites contained in mangosteen peel extract (Garnicia mangostana L.) and evaluate their potential as bioreductors through analysis using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Phytochemical test results of mangosteen peel extract (Garnicia mangostana L.) showed positive results for flavonoids, saponins, phenolics, triterpenoids, and alkaloids. Alkaloid and phenolic compounds play a role in the reduction process of Cu ions so that they can be used as bioreductors. The results of the UV-Vis measurements showed a 1:1 ratio of extract and precursor; 1:2 ; 1:3 and 1:4 have a peak wavelength of 278 nm, where copper nanoparticles can form at a wavelength of 200-800 nm. At a ratio of 1:1 has the highest absorbance, namely 0.394. So that a 1:1 ratio has the potential to form CuNPs.</p> 2023-11-13T21:04:41+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Synthesis of Red Mud-Based SiO2 with Various NaOH Concentrations and Extraction Times 2023-11-14T22:04:11+07:00 Bernadeta Dwi Meilani [email protected] Anis Shofiyani [email protected] Nelly Wahyuni [email protected] <p>Red mud adalah limbah dari proses Bayer yang berpotensi menjadi polutan bagi <br>lingkungan karena ukuran yang kecil serta memiliki sifat alkanitas yang tinggi. Red <br>mud mengandung SiO2 sebesar 9,4 %. Penelitian ini akan mensintesis SiO2 dengan <br>teknik refluks. Sintesis SiO2 dipengaruh oleh konsentrasi NaOH dan waktu ekstraksi <br>(waktu refluks). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui konsentrasi NaOH ( 2,5 M; <br>5 M; dan 7,5 M) dan waktu ekstraksi (2 jam, 3 jam, dan 4 jam) terhadap rendemen <br>dan kemurnian serta karakteristik SiO2 hasil sintesis menggunakan XRF, XRD, dan <br>PSA. Rendemen tertinggi sebesar 2,59 % pada konsentrasi NaOH 5 M dan waktu <br>ekstraksi 2 jam. Kemurnian SiO2 tertinggi pada konsentrasi NaOH 7,5 M sebesar 47,6 <br>% dan pada waktu ekstraksi 4 jam sebesar 48,1 %. Fasa SiO2 hasil sintesis berdasarkan <br>analisis XRD adalah amorf dengan jenis mineral yaitu SiO2 dan Kyanite (Al2SiO5). <br>Ukuran rata – rata partikel untuk variasi konsentrasi NaOH 2,5 M; 5 M; dan 7,5 M <br>secara berurut adalah 371 nm, 464 nm, dan 493 nm, sedangkan untuk variasi waktu <br>ekstraksi 2 jam, 3 jam, dan 4 jam secara berurut adalah 464 nm, 971 nm, dan 226,7 <br>nm. Sintesis SiO2 optimum pada konsentrasi NaOH 7,5 M dan waktu ekstrasi 4 jam</p> 2023-11-13T21:07:40+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##