
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model Scramble dibandingkan model konvensional dalam pembelajaran IPS. Desain penelitian ini yaitu Quasi Experimental Design dengan bentuk Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 66 siswa, terdiri dari 34 siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Penundan sebagai kelas eskperimen dan 32 siswa IV SD Negeri Banyuputih 02 sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Porporsionate Stratified Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar aspek kognitif dan afektif siswa di kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol (84,85 > 79,06 dan 3,47 > 3,40). Hasil uji hipotesis perbedaan menggunakan uji U Mann Whitney, diperoleh Asymp.Sig (2 tailed) sebesar 0,018 (< 0,05), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas IV antara yang menerapkan model pembelajaran Scramble dan yang menerapkan model pembelajaran konvensional. Hasil uji hipotesis keefektifan secara empiris diperoleh nilai positif  sebesar 8,06 dan secara statistik melalui One Sample T-Test diperoleh nilai t­hitung > ttabel (3,040 > 2,03452), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Scramble lebih efektif daripada model pembelajaran konvensional.


The purpose of this research is to determine the effevtiveness of Scramble model compared to conventional model in social studies learning. Design of this research is a Quasi Experimental Design with form of Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The subjects of this research is 66 students, consists of 34 fourth grade students of Penundan State Elementary School as experimental class and 32 fourth grade students of Banyuputih 02 State Elementary School as control class. Sampling technique uses Porporsionate Stratified Random Sampling. The result showed that the cognitive and affective of learning outcome in the experimental class was higher than the control class (84,85 > 79,06 and 3,47 > 3,40). Biside the difference hypothesis test result using U Mann Whitney test, obtained Asymp.Sig (2 tailed) of 0,018 (< 0,05), so it can be concluded that there are differences Social Studies learning outcomes of fourth grade students among which applied the Scramble model and the conventional model. The effectiveness hypothesis of empirically test result obtained positive value of 8,06, and statistically through One Sample T-Test obtained tcount > ttable (3,040 > 2,03452), so it can be concluded that the Scramble model more effective than the conventional model.