Author Guidelines

This article format is the main guidelines for authors, every manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter declaring that it is not duplicate publication.


Article should be written in paper size A4, double space after paragraph, single column, font type Arial, font size 9, and margin 2 cm. Manuscript should consist not more than 6.000 words and 8 figures/tables.


Review of article is conducted to review whether the article meets the standard of quality criteria to be published. Manuscript will be directly rejected by editors without giving any formal reviews if : 1) the topic is not suitable to the scope of journal, 2) the results are less beneficial, 3) the scope and purpose are not deeply formulated, 4) the findings do not improve the scientific knowledge, 5) the article is not writ-ten completely. Eligible manuscripts will be reviewed by reviewers for 2 weeks then review-ers’ note will be delivered to authors 3 weeks after the first submission. Authors should send the article revision to editor a week after receiving reviewers’ note. Structure of manuscript should have a clear numbering in every section.


Mathematics formula should be created by using microsoft equation program. Variables are italicized. Figure caption must be put in every figure/illustration. Caption is written separately, not attached to figure/illustration. Table numbering is adjusted to the location in the article. Tables should be used effectively, so it is not to be used to repeat the result in presentation chapter of result and discussion.


Title length is not more than 12 words, and it should be clear, brief and informative. Abbre-viation and formula should be avoided. Authors’ identity should be written completely by giving name, institution address, postal code, telephone number, mobile phone number, fac-simile number, and email address. Abstract should be written briefly and factually. Abstract contains of the clear elaboration of research purpose, result and conclusion. Abstract should be written separately from the article. Reference should not be written in abstract, but if it is indispensable, authors’ name and publication year should be cited. Nonstandard abbrevia-tion should be avoided, but if it is indispensable, the full name should be specified in its ini-tial mention. The word length is not more than 200 words, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases. Introduction contains of the purpose of article/research that is formulated and presented by adequate introduction and avoids detail references and research result presentation. Method used should be accompanied by references, relevant modification should be explained. Procedure and data analysis technique should be emphasized to literature review article. Result and discussion should be presented in the same part, clearly and briefly. Discussion part should contain the benefit of research result, not repeat result part. Result and discussion part can be written in the same part to avoid extensive quotation. Conclusion of the research is presented briefly in conclusion part. Reference in the article should cite the last name and year. If citing from some authors, it hould be ordered based on the most recent reference. If citing from the article written by two authors, then all authors’ name should be cited. Meanwhile, if citing from the article written by three or more authors, then it is cited by writing first author’s name followed by et al. Citation should be written in reference part. Every cited reference should be written completely in reference part. Unpublished reference is not suggested to be cited in article. Reference should be written according to the format of reference. This journal requires 80% of reference cited from national and international journal.


Manuscript is written without hypen (-), except repeated words. Symbols α, β,α is created from insert program without changing type of fonts. The article acceptance or rejection notification will be given a month aften article submission. Manuscript is rejected if the material is not suitable to the scope of journal, having poor quality, not following writing format, containing complicated language, not original research and unresponsive correspondence.