
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis lingkungan terhadap pemahaman konsep, 2) mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis lingkungan terhadap karakter, 3) mengetahui pengaruh karakter terhadap pemahaman konsep. Desain penelitian menggunakan True experimental design dengan bentuk design Pretest-posttest control group design. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD se-Kecamatan Sragen Kota Kabupaten Sragen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis lingkungan terhadap pemahaman konsep sebesar 64%, 2) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis lingkungan terhadap karakter sebesar 82%, 3) terdapat pengaruh karakter terhadap pemahaman konsep sebesar 81%. Berdasarkan pada hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis lingkungan terhadap pemahaman konsep, 2) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis lingkungan terhadap karakter, 3) terdapat pengaruh karakter terhadap pemahaman konsep.


This study aims to: 1) the effect of guided inquiry learning model based on the understanding of the concept environment, 2) the effect of guided inquiry learning model based on the character of the environment, 3) the effect of guided inquiry learning model based on the character of the environment and understanding the concept. True experimental research design using to form design pretest-posttest control group. Population of this research is all elementary school fifth grade students throughout the District City Sragen. The results showed that, 1) there is the influence of guided inquiry learning model based on the understanding of the concept of the environment by 64%, 2) there is the influence of guided inquiry learning model based on the character of the neighborhood by 82%, 3) there is the influence of characters to the understanding of the concept of 81%. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that 1) there is the influence of guided inquiry learning model based on the understanding of the concept of environment, 2) there is the influence of guided inquiry learning model based on the character of the environment, 3) there is the influence of characters on the understanding of the concept.