Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan temuan empirik yang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan diri siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4 Bae Kudus tahun pelajaran 2011/212 mayoritas berada pada kategori sedang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan model konseling kelompok dengan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model konseling kelompok dengan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif efektif meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa. Faktanya pada uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa semua indikator kepercayaan diri siswa mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan setelah mendapatkan intervensi konseling kelompok dengan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa semua indikator kepercayaan diri memperoleh nilai signifikansi atau nilai probabilitas < 0,05. Dengan demikian hipotesa nol (Ho) yang berbunyi rata-rata kepercayaan diri siswa sebelum dan sesudah eksperimen adalah identitik/sama ditolak. Artinya rata-rata kepercayaan diri siswa sebelum dan sesudah intervensi terdapat perbedaan atau mengalami peningkatan.
The research was conducted based on empirical findings that showed the confidence level of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 4 Bae Kudus academic year 2011/2012 on offair category. This research aimed to produce a model of group counseling to enhance students’ confidence. The research results showed that the model of group counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques effectively increased the confidence of the students. In fact, the hypothesis test showed that all the indicators of self-confidence of students had increased significantly after intervention a counseling group with cognitive restructuring techniques intervention. The results of processing the data showed that all indicators of the confidence gained the significance value or the probability value of <0.05. Thus the null hypothesis (Ho), which read the average confidence of students before and after the experiment was identi / as rejected. This means that on average students’ confidence before and after the intervention there is a difference or increased.
The research was conducted based on empirical findings that showed the confidence level of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 4 Bae Kudus academic year 2011/2012 on offair category. This research aimed to produce a model of group counseling to enhance students’ confidence. The research results showed that the model of group counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques effectively increased the confidence of the students. In fact, the hypothesis test showed that all the indicators of self-confidence of students had increased significantly after intervention a counseling group with cognitive restructuring techniques intervention. The results of processing the data showed that all indicators of the confidence gained the significance value or the probability value of <0.05. Thus the null hypothesis (Ho), which read the average confidence of students before and after the experiment was identi / as rejected. This means that on average students’ confidence before and after the intervention there is a difference or increased.