
Penelitian Bahan ajar teks novel berbahasa Jawa melalui simplifikasi dikembangkan atas persepsi kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru berkaitan dengan pengembangan bahan ajar membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi, menyusun karakteristik bahan ajar membaca teks novel berbahasa Jawa melalui simplifikasi, membuat model novel yaitu Jemini, Asmarani, dan Para Pawestri Pejuwang karya Suparto Brata sebagai bahan ajar membaca teks novel di SMA, dan memperoleh keefektifan menggunakan bahan ajar membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Research and Development (R&D) oleh Borg and Gall yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Langkah penelitian Borg and Gall diadaptasi menjadi tujuh tahap, yakni analisis teoretis dan praktis, analisis kebutuhan pengembangan menurut persepsi guru dan peserta didik, penyusunan draf produk, uji ahli, revisi produk, uji keefektifan produk, revisi hasil uji penggunan produk pengembangan. Hasil uji keefektifan yang dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Bergas menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai rata-rata pretes dan postes pembelajaran membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi. Uji t hitung = 9,734, sedangkan t tabel  =2,00. Artinya t hitung > t tabel. Maka dapat dikatakan produk tersebut efektif

Novel text teaching materials through simplification Javanese developed on the perception of the needs of learners and teachers.This study aims to determine the needs of the students and teachers associated with the development of teaching materials text reading novels through simplification, compiling the characteristics of teaching materials text reading novels in Java through simplification, models making novel that Jemini, Asmarani, and the Pawestri Pejuwang works soeparto Brata as material instructional text reading novels in high school, and obtain the effectiveness of using text reading novel teaching materials through simplification. the approach taken in this study is the approach to research and Development (R & D) by Borg and Gall tailored to the needs of research.Step study Borg and Gall adapted into seven stages, namely the analysis of theoretical and practical, analysis of development needs as perceived by teachers and learners, the drafting of the product, test expert, product revision ,  test the effectiveness of the product, the revised test results of use of the product development.The results of the effectiveness test conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Bergas showed no increase in the average value of pretest and posttest learning to read text novel through simplification.Test t = 9.734, while t table = 2.00.This means that t> t table.So we can say the product is effective.