Students critical thinking skills toward concepts differences in finding area of a plane region and definite integral


Bambang Eko Susilo
Darhim Darhim
Sufyani Prabawanto


This study aimed to describe students' critical thinking skills towards the concepts differences in finding the area of a plane region and definite integral. This study used an exploratory test survey method with test instruments. Data were taken from 40 students of the mathematics department at a university in Central Java. The results showed that students' critical thinking skills towards the concepts differences in finding the area of a plane region and definite integral were in the medium category. The students' critical thinking skills towards the concepts differences in finding area of a plane region and definite integral were medium (47.5%), with clarification by 57.5% (medium), assessment by 40.0% (medium), inference by 65.0% (medium), and strategies by 27.5% (low). These weaknesses are expected to be followed up by conducting learning that can show the linkages between the concepts and with various ways.


How to Cite
Susilo, B. E., Darhim, D., & Prabawanto, S. (2019). Students critical thinking skills toward concepts differences in finding area of a plane region and definite integral. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(1), 1-7.


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