
Perkembangan SMK di kabupaten Kendal sangat baik. Meskipun demikian, tetapterdapat masalah yang harus segera diselesaikan. Masalah tersebut adalah menurunnyakinerja guru Akuntansi SMK se-Kabupaten Kendal. Kondisi tersebut membutuhkankompensasi fianansial, motivasi kerja, disiplin kerja dan kepribadianguru yang tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru. Tujuan dari penelitianini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompensasi finansial, motivasi kerja, disiplinkerja baik secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung terhadap kinerja guru melaluikepribadian guru Akuntansi SMK se-Kabupaten Kendal. Populasi dalam penelitianini 43 guru, dengan sampel 39 responden melalui metode sample random sampling.Variabel bebas terdiri dari kompensasi finansial, motivasi kerja disiplin kerja, variabelintervening kepribadian guru dan variabel terikat berupa kinerja guru. Teknikpengumpulan data dengan angket, teknik analisis data dengan jalur (path). Hasilpenelitian menunjukan bahwa kompensasi finansial, motivasi kerja, disiplin kerjaberpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru Akuntansi baik secaralangsung ataupun melalui kepribadian guru.

In general, the development of vocational schools in Kendal district is very well.Nevertheless, there remains a problem that must be resolved. The problem is thedeclining performance of the teachers of the SMK Accounting in Kendal district. These conditions require financial, compensation, work motivation, work disciplineand a high teacher personality to improve the performance of teachers. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the effect of financial compensation, workmotivation, work discipline directly or indirectly to the performance by the personalityof the teacher SMK Accounting Kendal The population in this study areall teachers SMK Accounting Kendal, amounting to 43 teachers. As for the sampleusing random sampling sample totaling 39 teachers. The variables of study includefinancial compensation, work motivation and discipline as the independent variable,the teacher’s personality as intermediate variables, and teacher performance as thedependent variable. Questionnaire data collect techniques, data analysis techniquewith path. The results showed that financial compensation, work motivation, workdiscipline a positive and significant effect on teacher performance Accounting directlyor through the teacher’s personality.