
Sulthoni Akhmad
Haryono Haryono
Fakhruddin Fakhruddin


Kompetensi profesional guru merupakan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap guru, namun kompetensi profesional guru bahasa Inggris SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Cilacap masih rendah. Indikator rendahnya kompetensi profesional guru tersebut di antaranya hasil UKG bahasa Inggris tahun 2012 rata-rata 34,42, prosentase daya serap mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMA (Jurusan IPA/IPS/Bahasa) tingkat kabupaten Cilacap tahun pelajaran 2012/2013 masih di bawah daya serap tingkat provinsi dan tingkat nasional, pemantauan dan pembinaan profesional guru oleh pengawas dan kepala sekolah belum berjalan efektif. Hasil penelitian secara deskriptif bahwa supervisi model faktual yang dilaksanakan oleh pengawas dan kepala sekolah belum berjalan efektif. Analisis kebutuhan guru bahasa Inggris SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Cilacap, tentang supervisi klinis 76% (cukup tinggi). Hasil uji efektifitas terbatas model supervisi klinis dengan Pendekatan lesson study terhadap 6 guru model dengan analisis uji paired two sampel t-test menunjukkan peningkatan rata-rata nilai supervisi sebelum eksperimen 72 menjadi 78 sesudahnya. Hasil hitung ttest dengan derajat kesalahan 5% dan dk n-1=5 sebesar 1,333 dikorelasikan dengan distribusi nilai ttabel menunjukkan nilai 2,015 kategori signifikan. Respon guru model sesudah eksperimen meningkat dari 76% menjadi 87%. Efektivitas model supervisi klinis dengan Pendekatan lesson study lebih baik dari model supervisi faktual.

Professional competence of teachers is a competency that should be owned by every teacher, but the professional competence of teachers of English high schools in Cilacap still low. Poor indicator of professional competence among teachers of English UKG result in 2012 average 34.42, the percentage of subjects absorption for English (Classese of IPA/ IPS/Language) Cilacap district level of the school year 2012/2013 was still below the absorption provincial and national level, monitoring and professional development of teachers by supervisors and principals have not been effective. This research method using the method of research and development (R & D). The results of descriptive studies that supervision factual models imple­mented by supervisors and principals have not been effective. Analysis of the needs of teachers of English high schools in Cilacap regency, about 76 % of clinical supervision (high enough). Test results limited effectiveness of clinical supervision models based on 6 teacher lesson study model with a two sample test analysis of paired t-test showed the increase in the average value of supervision before experiments 72 to 78 afterwards. Count the results of t-test with degrees of error of 5% and df = 5 n-1 correlated with the distribution of 1,333 ttabel value indicates the value 2.015 significant category. Response after experimental model teacher has the imp­rovement of 76 % to 87 %. The effectiveness of clinical supervision models based lesson study model of supervision is better than factual.



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