Discourses on Citizen Lawsuit as Administrative Dispute Object: Government Administration Law vs. Administrative Court Law

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Kadek Agus Sudiarawan
Alia Yofira Karunian
Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku
Bagus Hermanto


Citizen lawsuit mechanism has been used several times in Indonesian court procedure, although there is no regulation in this matter. The aims of this study were to determine the characteristic of citizen lawsuit in Indonesia, and the expansion meaning of the state administrative decision after the enactment of government administration law, as well as the potential for citizen lawsuit as dispute object of the state administrative court with comparation with serval countries in order to provide an appropriate legal system of citizen lawsuit as ius constituendum. This article used normative legal research with a conceptual approach, legislative approach, and comparative approach. The results indicated that the characteristic of a citizen lawsuit in Indonesia is generally a citizen access to represent the public interest in condition that the state fails to fulfill the rights of its citizen, and the plaintiff does not need to describe the losses he has suffered directly. The expansion of the meaning of state administrative decision under the Government Administrative Law has resulted in the competence of court and the dispute object has been expanded, thus if the citizen lawsuit is viewed from the administrative dispute perspective, it should be included in the State Administrative Court object. However, due to the limited expansion of Article 87 of the Government Administration Law by the Administrative Court Law, both of which are still valid, the State Administrative Court is not authorized to examine and adjudicate citizen lawsuits. Based on comparative data, there are several weaknesses of the citizen lawsuit system such as the legal standing of the applicant/plaintiff which make several countries have changed the provisions of the regulation.

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How to Cite
Sudiarawan, K. A., Karunian, A. Y., Mangku, D. G. S., & Hermanto, B. (2022). Discourses on Citizen Lawsuit as Administrative Dispute Object: Government Administration Law vs. Administrative Court Law. Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, 7(2), 499-486. https://doi.org/10.15294/jils.v7i2.60166
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Kadek Agus Sudiarawan, Faculty of Law, Universitas Udayana

Kadek Agus Sudiarawan is a lecturer in the Faculty of Law, Universitas Udayana, Indonesia and currently sitting as the Editor in Chief for several law journals under the faculty, as well as the Secretary for the Publication Unit of Universitas Udayana. Now he also as student of Doctoral of Law Program at the Faculty of Law Universitas Udayana. Some of his recent publications such as Classification of Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement in Indonesia: is it Necessary? (Hasanuddin Law Review, 2022),  Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI) for Indonesian Tax Purposes : Economic Analysis of Law Approach (Lex Scientia Law Review,2022), Position of Fictitious Positive Administrative Decisions as Dispute Object of State Administrative Court: Indonesia Omnibus Law Perspective (Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2021) and The Exploitation of Indigenous Communities by Commercial Actors: Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expression (Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 2021).

Alia Yofira Karunian, Edinburgh Law School, The University of Edinburgh

Alia Yofira Karunian is LL.M. candidate Student at School of Law, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom and previously she is active as Researcher and Counselor on ELSAM, one of the most prominent NGOs that concerned on Human Rights issues in Indonesia. Previously she also graduated on S.H./LL.B. degree at Udayana University. Some of her recent publication including Digital IDs Rooted in Justice: Lived Experiences and Civil Society Advocacy Towards Better Systems (The Engine Room, 2022); Data Profiling and Elections: Has Data-Driven Political Campaign Gone Too Far? (Udayana Journal Law and Culture, 2019); and Inkonsistensi Kebijakan Energi di Indonesia: Kaitannya terhadap Pemberlakuan Standar Emisi Gas Buang Euro 4 (Jurnal Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia, 2018).

Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, Faculty of Law and Social Science, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku is a Lecturer at the Department of Law, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia. His area of expertise concerning International Law, Comparative Law, Law and Society, as well as Law and Culture. Some of his recent publications such as Crimes of Genocide in the Viewpoint of International Criminal Law (Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law Studies, 2022), Analysis of Diplomatic Law in Lifting the Honorary Consul of The State of Indonesia To Palestine (Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Undiksha, 2022), and The Role of the National Agency for Border Management in Maintaining the Territorial Sovereignty in the Land Bord between Indonessia and Timor Leste (Ahmad Dahlan International Conference on Law and Social Justice).Now, he also serving as Head of Department of Law at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia.

Bagus Hermanto, Faculty of Law, Universitas Udayana

Bagus Hermanto currently active as Assistant Researchers and Legal Practitioners on Constitutional Law issues at Universitas Udayana and Universitas Bali Dwipa. He has expertise on Legislation, Legislative Studies, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, as well as Public Policy and Legal Political Studies. He has been graduated on S.H./LL.B. and M.H./LL.M. at Universitas Udayana and he fellows on Short Course of Basic Principles of Administrative Law, Yamaguchi University Japan. Some of his recent publications including Law Reform as the Part of National Resilience: Discovering Hindu and Pancasila Values in Indonesia’s Legal Development Plan (International Proceedings of the International Conference for Democracy and National Resilience (ICDNR 2021); Between Mental Illness, Criminal Policy Reform, and Human Rights: Discourse on Reformulation of The Article 44 Indonesia Criminal Code (International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2022); and Deliberate legislative reforms to improve the legislation quality in developing countries: case of Indonesia (Theory and Practice of Legislation, in-press, June 2022).


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