

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum optimalnya hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Pangeran Cendono Kudus pada pelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model Learning Cycle dan Inquiry dibandingkan Explicit Instruction terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Pangeran Cendono Kudus. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu berdesain NonequivalentControl Group Design. Pengambilan sampel berteknik purposive sampling. Data analisis menggunakan  uji t dengan rumus independent sample t test dengan taraf signifikasi 5% (0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukan; (1) rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen I lebih besar dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Mean posttest kelas eksperimen I sebesar 80,864 dan mean posttest kelas kontrol sebesar 71,333.; (2) rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen II lebih besar dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Mean posttest kelas eksperimen II sebesar 76,129 dan mean posttest kelas kontrol sebesar 71,333.; dan (3) rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen I lebih besar dibandingkan kelas eksperimen II. Mean posttest kelas eksperimen I sebesar 80,864 dan mean posttest kelas eksperimen II sebesar 76,129. Simpulan model Learning Cycle lebih efektif diterapkan pada pembelajaran IPA siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Pangeran Cendono Kudus

The background of the research was the result in science of achivement for fifth grade not yet optimum. The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of model Learning Cycle and Inquiry in science teachingeducation on the education achievement for fifth grade of state elementary school Pangeran Cendono Kudus. This research used quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The technical sampling is purposive sampling.Data analysis used the average difference test with a formula independent sample t test with significance level of 5% (0.05). The resultsof research showed that; (1) the first experimental class posttest mean higher than the control class. The first experimental class posttest mean is 80,864 and the control posttest mean is 71,333.; (2) the second experimental class posttest mean higher than the control class. The second experimental class posttest mean is 76,129 and the control class posttest mean is 71,333.; and (3) the first experimental class posttest mean higher than the second experimental class. The first experimental class posttest mean is 80,864 and the second experimental class posttest mean is 76,129. The conclusion of this research was Learning Cycle model more effective used for science teaching education in fifth grade of state elementary school Pangeran Cendono Kudus.