


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tanggapan guru dan siswa terhadap media popscrap book, menjelaskan prosedur pengembangan media popscrap book pada muatan IPS tema Indahnya Kebersamaan kelas IV SD, mengetahui kelayakan media, dan menguji keefektifan penggunaan media. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Research and Development dengan menggunakan desain yang dikembangkan oleh Borg dan Gall. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam sembilan tahap yaitu, (1) survei pendahuluan, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) pengembangan desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba awal, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba pemakaian, dan (9) revisi produk. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) pengembangan media berdasarkan pada angket kebutuhan guru dan siswa, (2) penilaian kelayakan media oleh tim ahli diperoleh hasil  skor media sebesar 80 dengan persentase 100%, skor materi sebesar 42 dengan persentase 95%, dan skor bahasa sebesar 39 dengan persentase 88,6% termasuk dalam kriteria sangat baik, dan (3) media popscrap book efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPS, dimana hasil analisis t-test menunjukkan bahwa  thitung = 6,174 dan ttabel = 2,045, serta terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dimana hasil uji N-gain 0,430 termasuk dalam kriteria sedang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media popscrap book efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran IPS tema Indahnya Kebersamaan dan meningkatkan hasil belajar.



This study aimed to identify teachers' and students' responses towards popscrap book media, explain the developmental procedures of popscrap book media on IPS subject with the theme of The Beauty of Togetherness (Indahnya Kebersamaan) in the fourth grade level of Elementary School (SD), to know the media feasibility, and to examine the effectiveness of media use. Further, the method employed in this study was Research and Development from Borg and Gall. This research design consists of nine steps, namely, (1) initial survey, (2) data collection, (3) product design development, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) initial trial test, (7) product revision, (8) trial use test, and (9) product revision. The results were (1) the media were developed based on teachers' and students' needs, (2) the media expert gave score of 80 with 100% percentage, material score of 42 with 95% percentage, and language score of 39 with 88.6% percentage belonged to very good criterion, and (3) the popscrap book media were effective to use in IPS subject learning. It was showed by the t-test analysis which achieved tcount=6.174 and ttable= 2.045. There also found the improvement on students' score average realized in N-gain test, namely 0.430 which belonged to fair criterion. It could be concluded that popscrap book media was effective to be used in IPS subject with the theme of The Beauty of Togetherness and can improve learning achievement.