
Permasalahan di SDN Banyuputih 01 yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar materi Aksara Jawa dan tidak adanya media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengembangkan multimedia materi Aksara Jawa. Metode penelitian ini Research and Development (R&D). Subjek penelitian siswa kelas IV SDN Banyuputih 01 dan SDN Banyuputih 04 yang berjumlah 49. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan non tes. Instrumen non tes dengan wawancara, observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan instrumen tes yaitu soal uji coba, soal tes awal, dan tes akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan multimedia layak digunakan berdasarkan ahli materi, bahasa, dan ahli media, hasil perhitungan analisis data akhir uji pemakaian produk di kelas yaitu uji z didapatkan Zhitung > Ztabel yaitu 2,319 > 1,64, hasil uji-t didapatkan thitung ≤ - ttabel yaitu -5,31 ≤ -2,04, dan uji n-gain 0,701 dengan kriteria tinggi. Simpulan penelitian adalah multimedia layak digunakan dan efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar Bahasa Jawa siswa kelas IV SDN Banyuputih 01.

The problems in Banyuputih State Elementary School 01 were based on the low cognitive learning outcomes in Javanese subjects precisely on (Javanese Alphabet) material and the absence of Javanese learning media. This research aimed to develop multimedia (Javanese alphabet) material. This metod of research was Research and Development (R&D). The research subject was the students of grade IV Elementary School in Banyuputih 01 and Elementary School in Banyuputih 04 which amounted to 49 students. Data collection techniques are test and non-test. Non-test instruments used were interviews, observation, poll, and documentation, while the test instruments used are questions of trials, preliminary tests, and final tests. Eligibility assesment results demonstrate could be used based on material expert assessment, language amounted, and the media assessment. The results of the calculation of final data analysis in classes of the z test obtained Zcount> Ztable is 2.319> 1.64, the results of the t-test obtained tcount ≤ - ttable is -5.31 ≤ -2.04 while the test results n -gain 0.701 with high criteria. The conclusion of this research was that adobe flash-based (Javanese alphabet) multimedia material was feasible to used and was effective in improving the learning outcomes of Javanese students in grade IV Banyuputih State Elementary School 01.