
Tujuan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan peningkatan kualitas
pembelajaran IPA melalui model Problem Based Learning dengan Media
Audiovisual pada Siswa Kelas IV. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan 3 siklus, setiap
siklus 2 pertemuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) keterampilan guru siklus
I skornya 22 (baik), siklus II skornya 26,5 (baik), siklus III skornya 30,5 (sangat
baik), (2) aktivitas siswa silkus I skornya 17,3 (baik), siklus II skornya 20,3 (baik),
siklus III skornya 24,2 (baik), (3) iklim pembelajaran siklus I skornya 4,5 (baik),
siklu II 6 (baik), siklus III 7 (sangat baik), (4) kualitas media pembelajaran siklus
I skornya 18 (baik), siklus II 20,5 (baik), siklus III 23,5 (sangat baik), (5) hasil
belajar siklus I memperoleh ketuntasan belajar 62%, siklus II 72%, siklus III
83%. Simpulan penelitian adalah melalui model Problem Based Learning dengan
media audiovisual dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran IPA.


The purpose of this study is to describe improvement the quality of IPA (Natural Sciences) learning
through Problem-based Learning model by using audio-visual media for forth graders of SD Negeri
Purwoyoso 01 Semarang. This study used action research method which consisted of three cycles.
The result showed that: the teacher’s skill in the cycle I gained score 22 (good), 26.5 in the cycle II
(good), 30.5 in the cycle III (very good). The average score of student’s activity in the cycle I was 17.3
(good), 20.3 in the cycle II (good), 24.2 in the cycle III (good). The learning atmosphere in the cycle
I was 4.5 (good), 6 in the cycle II (good), and 7 in the cycle III (very good). The quality of learning
media in the cycle I was 18 (good), 20,5 in the cycle II (good), and 23,5 in the cycle III (very good).
Then, the classical completeness were 62%, 72%, and 83%. Therefore, it can be concluded that this
model by using audio-visual media can improve the quality of IPA learning.