Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan guru, aktivitas siswa, dan
keterampilan menulis pengumuman pada kelas IV C SDN Petompon 02 Semarang dengan menerapkan model
pembelajaran NHT dengan media surat kabar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 3
siklus dengan tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan
siswa kelas IV C SDN Petompon 02 Semarang berjumlah 41 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1)
keterampilan guru mengalami peningkatan, pada siklus I memperoleh skor 27 kategori baik, siklus II memperoleh
skor 30 kategori baik, siklus III memperoleh skor 35 kategori sangat baik, (2) aktivitas siswa mengalami
peningkatan, pada siklus I memperoleh rata-rata skor 22,9 kategori baik, siklus II memperoleh rata-rata skor 25,07
kategori baik, siklus III memperoleh rata-rata skor 28,62 kategori baik (3) persentase ketuntasan klasikal juga
mengalami peningkatan, pada siklus I sebesar 52,5% kualifikasi tidak tuntas, siklus II sebesar 75,6% kualifikasi
tuntas, pada siklus III sebesar 89,5% kualifikasi tuntas. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui model
kooperatif tipe NHT dengan media surat kabar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan guru, aktivitas siswa dan
keterampilan menulis pengumuman pada siswa kelas IV C SDN Petompon 02
The background of the study was based on the pre-observation conducted at the fourth C grade of SDN Petompon
02 Semarang. The teacher did not use learning innovation so that the students were not motivated to take part in
the class activity. The students learning outcomes were mostly under the minimum passing grade criteria.
Therefore, the study on the use of NHT model with newspaper was conducted. This study aimed to improve
teacher’s skill, students’ activity, and students’ learning outcomes in writing announcement skill learning at the
fourth C grade of SDN Petompon 02 Semarang. The design of the study was classroom action research in three
cycles with the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the study were teacher and
41 students of the foruth C grade of SDN Petompon 02 Semarang. The results of study showed: 1) teacher’s skill
in the first cycle obtained the score of 27 (good), in the second cycle obtained the score of 30 (good), and in the
third cycle obtained the score of 35 (very good), 2) the students’ activity in the first cycle gained the average score
of 22.9 with a good category, in the second cycle gained the average score of 25.07 with a good category, and in
the third cycle gained the average score of 28.62 with a very good category, 3) The percentages of students’ learning
outcoomes in the first cycle obtained classical achievement of 52,5% with a not passed qualification, in the second
cycle obtained 75,6 % with a passed qualification, and in the third cycle obtained 89.5 % with a passed qualification.
The study concluded that the use of cooperative learning NHT model with newspaper could improve teacher’s
skill, students’ activity, and announcement writing skill of the fourth C grade students of SDN Petompon 02