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Kurikulum 2013 mulai diterapkan di SMK pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang menyebabkan perubahan pada proses dan hasil belajar siswa, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang proses pembelajaran mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas X SMK kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kesulitan yang dialami guru dalam mengembangkan soal, kualitas soal, dan rekonstruki soal penilaian aspek keterampilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Kesulitan yang dihadapi guru adalah kurangnya pemahaman guru mengenai pengembangan soal penilaian aspek keterampilan karena contoh model soal yang sangat terbatas. (2) Kualitas soal dilihat melalui perolehan skor dari aspek yang dinalisis yaitu aspek materi, konstruksi, dan bahasa/budaya. Berdasarkan analisis aspek materi didapatkan skor penilaian untuk aspek materi tiap teks, yaitu teks anekdot 63,46; teks eksposisi 69,44; teks laporan hasil observasi 82,89; teks prosedur kompleks 83,33; dan teks negosiasi 72,22. Pada aspek konstruksi diperoleh skor tiap teks, yaitu teks anekdot 42,31; teks eksposisi 44,44; teks laporan hasil observasi 52,63; teks prosedur kompleks 56,67; dan teks negosiasi 36,11. Pada aspek bahasa/budaya diperoleh skor tiap teks, yaitu teks anekdot 76,92; teks eksposisi 66,67; teks laporan hasil observasi 84,21; teks prosedur kompleks 97,33; dan teks negosiasi 66,67. (3) Rekonstruksi soal dilakukan tiap kompetensi pada tek yang memperoleh skor terendah yaitu pada aspek keterampilan yang meliputi menginterpretasi, memproduksi, menyunting, mengabstraksi, dan mengonversi teks anekdot, teks eksposisi, teks laporan hasil observasi, teks prosedur kompleks, dan teks negosiasi.
The latest curriculum in 2013 which was implemented in SMK in Indonesian subjects logic also cause changes in the process and out comes of student learning so that it is necessary to do research on student learning with curriculum 2013 on the Indonesian subjects in class X SMK. The purpose of this study was to know the difficulties encountered in the preparation of teachers about the skills, to know the quality of assessment to know reconstruction of about assessment skills aspect of Indonesian subjects of class X SMK 2013. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach.The results of this study were (1) The difficulties encountered in the preparation of teachers about the skills assessment aspects of Indonesian subjects in class X SMK with curriculum in 2013 is teacher dificulitie to undertand how to make the assessment questions on the skills aspect of Indonesian subjects cause the sample too limit. (2) The quality of assessment questions based on the analysis of the material aspects of the score figures obtained for each material aspect ofthe text, that text anecdotes 63.46; 69.44 exposition text; text report the observation of 82.89; 83.33 complex procedure text; and construction aspects of the negotiating text 72,22. On aspect of contruct score figures obtained for each text, the text anecdotes 42.31; 44.44 exposition text; text report the observation of 52.63; 56.67 complex procedure text; and 36.11 negotiating text. In the aspect of language/culture figures obtained score of each text, the text anecdotes 76.92; 66.67 exposition text; text report the observation of 84.21; 97.33 complex procedure text; and 66.67 negotiating text. (3) Reconstruction of about assessment skills aspects of the Indonesian subjects of class X SMK curriculum in 2013 is to all the skill aspect and all the text that anecdotes text, expotition text, the report of observaion tet, complex procedure text, and negotiating text. The reconstruction on the less score of them.
Article Details
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Permendikbud No. 53 tahun 2013 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
Permendikbud No. 66 tahun 2013 tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan.