Alonso, A. C. 2015. Receptive vocabulary of CLIL and Non-CLIL primary and secondary school learners. Complutense Journal of English Studies. 23: 59-77.
Basar, M., & Gürbüz, M. 2017. Effect of the SQ4R Technique on the Reading Comprehension of Elementary School 4th Grade Elementary School Students. International Journal of Instruction. 10(2): 131-144.
Bayram, D., Öztürk, R. Ö., & Atay, D. 2019. Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Size of CLIL and Non-CLIL Students: A Comparative Study. Language Teaching and Educational Research. 2(2): 101-113.
Canepari, M. 2020. The Usefulness of Different Forms of Translation in a CLIL Environment. International Journal of English Linguistics. 10(2):1-25.
Chendeb, H. M. 2020. Evaluation of CLIL Approach in Legal English Pedagogy. Journal of Arts and Humanities. 9(2): 108-116.
Coyle, C. T. 2007. Men and abortion: A review of empirical reports concerning the impact of abortion on men. Internet Journal of Mental Health. 3(2): 3-25.
Czura A., Kołodyńska A. 2015) CLIL instruction and oral communicative competence in a primary school setting. Cross-cultural perspectives on bilingualism and bilingual education. 1(1): 123-153
De Diezmas, E. N. M. 2016. The impact of CLIL on the acquisition of L2 competences and skills in primary education. International Journal of English Studies. 16(2): 81-101.
Dolgova, V., Rokitskaya, J., Bogachev, A., & Kryzhanovskaya, N. 2019. Development of communication skills in elementary school children in the process of education. In International Scientific-Practical Conference “Business Cooperation as a Resource of Sustainable Economic Development and Investment Attractionâ€(ISPCBC 2019). Atlantis Press.
Drew, I. 2013. Linking Readers Theatre to CLIL in foreign language education. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology. 2(1):37-50.
Enighe, J. M., & Afangideh, M. E. 2018. Developing reading skills in beginning readers in Nigerian primary schools towards the millennium development goals. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. 9(6): 1160-1167.
Fitrianti, D., Mariani, S., & Yulianto, A. 2018. Analysis of Reasoning Ability and Mathematical Communication Based on Learning Styles on PMRI Learning. Journal of Primary Education. 7(1): 74-80.
Francisco, L. D., & Madrazo, C. A. 2019. Reading Habits, Reading Comprehension and Academic Performance of Grade V Pupils. The Asian ESP Journal. 15(2):138-165.
Garipova, N., & Román, S. N. 2016. Promoting reading skills in CLIL. PULSO. Revista de Educación. (39):13-124.
Gunawan, I., Rusdarti, R., & Ahmadi, F. 2020. Implementation of Character Education for Elementary Students. Journal of Primary Education. 9(2): 168-175.
Heras, A., & Lasagabaster, D. 2015. The impact of CLIL on affective factors and vocabulary learning. Language Teaching Research. 19(1): 70-88.
Ichsan, A. F. R. A., Adawiyah, R., & Wilujeng, I. 2020. Analysis of the ability of students’ communication skills and self-efficacy on science instruction. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1440(1):012088. IOP Publishing.
Korosidou, E., & Griva, E. 2014. CLIL approach in primary education: Learning about Byzantine art and culture through a foreign language. Studies in English Language Teaching. 2(2): 216-232.
Lasagabaster, D., & Doiz, A. 2016. CLIL students' perceptions of their language learning process: delving into self-perceived improvement and instructional preferences. Language Awareness. 25(1-2): 110-126.
Mafaza, S., Rustono, R., & Awalya, A. 2018. Teachers’ Directive Speech in Character Building Values in Learning and Teaching Activities at SDN 05 Kebondalem Pemalang. Journal of Primary Education. 7(1): 96-102.
MartÃnez Agudo, J. D. D. 2020. The impact of CLIL on English language competence in a monolingual context: a longitudinal perspective. The Language Learning Journal. 48(1): 36-47.
Meida, A. A., Zulaeha, I., & Alimah, S. 2019. Types and Functions of Teacher Questions on Thematic Learning of Curriculum 2013 at Primary Schools. Journal of Primary Education. 8(5): 129-138.
Mishra, S. K., & Mishra, P. 2020. Functional Aspects of Communication Skills for Professional Empowerment. Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL). 7(1): 79-85.
Morgado, M. 2018.. CLIL4CHILDREN: Teaching Materials for CLIL Lessons in Maths, Geography and Science for Primary School. e-TEALS. 9(1): 132-152.
Nightingale, R., & Safont, P. 2019. Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective. English Language Teaching. 12(2): 37-56.
Papadopoulos, I., & Agathokleous, E. 2020. CLIL in Second Language Education: A Pilot Project with Immigrant Students in Greece. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1): 146–156.
Pérez-Vidal, C., & Roquet, H. 2015. CLIL in context: Profiling language abilities. In Content-based language learning in multilingual educational environments. 23: 237-255. Springer, Cham.
Priyantini, L. D. E, Sarwi, S., & Yusuf, A. 2020. The Influence of Literacy and Read Aloud Activities on the Early Childhood Education Students’ Receptive Language Skills. Journal of Primary Education. 9(3): 305–312.
Prieto-Arranz, J. I., Fabra, L. R., Calafat-Ripoll, C., & Catrain-González, M. 2015. Testing progress on receptive skills in CLIL and non-CLIL contexts. In Content-based language learning in multilingual educational environments. 123-137. Springer, Cham.
Simbolon, N., & Marbun, I. 2017. Implementation Of Sq4r Model To Increase Reading Comprehension Ability Of Elementary Students. In 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017). Atlantis Press.
Solis, C. E. D., Muñoz, C. I. C., & León, E. P. G. 2017. Applying CLIL Method For A Comprehensible Input In Reading Skill. Revista Pertinencia Académica. (5): 11-18.
Theologou, E., & Papadopoulos, I. M. 2015. CLIL community of students: A longitudinal project for developing content-based material within a learning community in primary education. MIBES Transactions: International Journal. 9 (2):71-84.
Van de Craen, P., & Surmont, J. 2017. Innovative Education and CLIL. Research Papers in Language Teaching & Learning. 8 (1): 22-33.
Basar, M., & Gürbüz, M. 2017. Effect of the SQ4R Technique on the Reading Comprehension of Elementary School 4th Grade Elementary School Students. International Journal of Instruction. 10(2): 131-144.
Bayram, D., Öztürk, R. Ö., & Atay, D. 2019. Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Size of CLIL and Non-CLIL Students: A Comparative Study. Language Teaching and Educational Research. 2(2): 101-113.
Canepari, M. 2020. The Usefulness of Different Forms of Translation in a CLIL Environment. International Journal of English Linguistics. 10(2):1-25.
Chendeb, H. M. 2020. Evaluation of CLIL Approach in Legal English Pedagogy. Journal of Arts and Humanities. 9(2): 108-116.
Coyle, C. T. 2007. Men and abortion: A review of empirical reports concerning the impact of abortion on men. Internet Journal of Mental Health. 3(2): 3-25.
Czura A., Kołodyńska A. 2015) CLIL instruction and oral communicative competence in a primary school setting. Cross-cultural perspectives on bilingualism and bilingual education. 1(1): 123-153
De Diezmas, E. N. M. 2016. The impact of CLIL on the acquisition of L2 competences and skills in primary education. International Journal of English Studies. 16(2): 81-101.
Dolgova, V., Rokitskaya, J., Bogachev, A., & Kryzhanovskaya, N. 2019. Development of communication skills in elementary school children in the process of education. In International Scientific-Practical Conference “Business Cooperation as a Resource of Sustainable Economic Development and Investment Attractionâ€(ISPCBC 2019). Atlantis Press.
Drew, I. 2013. Linking Readers Theatre to CLIL in foreign language education. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology. 2(1):37-50.
Enighe, J. M., & Afangideh, M. E. 2018. Developing reading skills in beginning readers in Nigerian primary schools towards the millennium development goals. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. 9(6): 1160-1167.
Fitrianti, D., Mariani, S., & Yulianto, A. 2018. Analysis of Reasoning Ability and Mathematical Communication Based on Learning Styles on PMRI Learning. Journal of Primary Education. 7(1): 74-80.
Francisco, L. D., & Madrazo, C. A. 2019. Reading Habits, Reading Comprehension and Academic Performance of Grade V Pupils. The Asian ESP Journal. 15(2):138-165.
Garipova, N., & Román, S. N. 2016. Promoting reading skills in CLIL. PULSO. Revista de Educación. (39):13-124.
Gunawan, I., Rusdarti, R., & Ahmadi, F. 2020. Implementation of Character Education for Elementary Students. Journal of Primary Education. 9(2): 168-175.
Heras, A., & Lasagabaster, D. 2015. The impact of CLIL on affective factors and vocabulary learning. Language Teaching Research. 19(1): 70-88.
Ichsan, A. F. R. A., Adawiyah, R., & Wilujeng, I. 2020. Analysis of the ability of students’ communication skills and self-efficacy on science instruction. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1440(1):012088. IOP Publishing.
Korosidou, E., & Griva, E. 2014. CLIL approach in primary education: Learning about Byzantine art and culture through a foreign language. Studies in English Language Teaching. 2(2): 216-232.
Lasagabaster, D., & Doiz, A. 2016. CLIL students' perceptions of their language learning process: delving into self-perceived improvement and instructional preferences. Language Awareness. 25(1-2): 110-126.
Mafaza, S., Rustono, R., & Awalya, A. 2018. Teachers’ Directive Speech in Character Building Values in Learning and Teaching Activities at SDN 05 Kebondalem Pemalang. Journal of Primary Education. 7(1): 96-102.
MartÃnez Agudo, J. D. D. 2020. The impact of CLIL on English language competence in a monolingual context: a longitudinal perspective. The Language Learning Journal. 48(1): 36-47.
Meida, A. A., Zulaeha, I., & Alimah, S. 2019. Types and Functions of Teacher Questions on Thematic Learning of Curriculum 2013 at Primary Schools. Journal of Primary Education. 8(5): 129-138.
Mishra, S. K., & Mishra, P. 2020. Functional Aspects of Communication Skills for Professional Empowerment. Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL). 7(1): 79-85.
Morgado, M. 2018.. CLIL4CHILDREN: Teaching Materials for CLIL Lessons in Maths, Geography and Science for Primary School. e-TEALS. 9(1): 132-152.
Nightingale, R., & Safont, P. 2019. Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective. English Language Teaching. 12(2): 37-56.
Papadopoulos, I., & Agathokleous, E. 2020. CLIL in Second Language Education: A Pilot Project with Immigrant Students in Greece. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1): 146–156.
Pérez-Vidal, C., & Roquet, H. 2015. CLIL in context: Profiling language abilities. In Content-based language learning in multilingual educational environments. 23: 237-255. Springer, Cham.
Priyantini, L. D. E, Sarwi, S., & Yusuf, A. 2020. The Influence of Literacy and Read Aloud Activities on the Early Childhood Education Students’ Receptive Language Skills. Journal of Primary Education. 9(3): 305–312.
Prieto-Arranz, J. I., Fabra, L. R., Calafat-Ripoll, C., & Catrain-González, M. 2015. Testing progress on receptive skills in CLIL and non-CLIL contexts. In Content-based language learning in multilingual educational environments. 123-137. Springer, Cham.
Simbolon, N., & Marbun, I. 2017. Implementation Of Sq4r Model To Increase Reading Comprehension Ability Of Elementary Students. In 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017). Atlantis Press.
Solis, C. E. D., Muñoz, C. I. C., & León, E. P. G. 2017. Applying CLIL Method For A Comprehensible Input In Reading Skill. Revista Pertinencia Académica. (5): 11-18.
Theologou, E., & Papadopoulos, I. M. 2015. CLIL community of students: A longitudinal project for developing content-based material within a learning community in primary education. MIBES Transactions: International Journal. 9 (2):71-84.
Van de Craen, P., & Surmont, J. 2017. Innovative Education and CLIL. Research Papers in Language Teaching & Learning. 8 (1): 22-33.
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Ganis Amurdawati
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Rusdarti Rusdarti
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Wagiran Wagiran
Universitas Negeri Semarang
How to Cite
Amurdawati, G., Rusdarti, R., & Wagiran, W. (2020). Implementation of Content Language Integrated Learning Approach in Reading Skills and Communication Skills of Elementary School Students. Journal of Primary Education, 9(4), 342-352.
Implementation of Content Language Integrated Learning Approach in Reading Skills and Communication Skills of Elementary School Students
Vol 9 No 4 (2020): September 2020
Submitted: Aug 30, 2020
Published: Sep 30, 2020
In an era of disruption, the skills needed by students include reading and communication. One approach that is believed to be able to practice reading and communication skills is the content language integrated learning approach. This study aims to analyze and identify the effectiveness of a content language integrated learning approach on reading and communication skills for third grade elementary school students. The research design was pre-experimental and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. This study involved 2 elementary schools with a sample size of 99 students. The data collection techniques used were tests, performance assessment, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using paired t-test and N-Gain test. The results showed that the implementation of the integrated content language learning approach was able to improve the students 'reading test results and students' communication performance assessments. The finding proves that the integrated language learning approach is effective for training the reading and communication skills of third grade elementary school students.