
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh metode latihan taktis dan teknis, perbedaan pengaruh kemampuan motor educability tinggi dan motor educability rendah dan interaksi metode latihan dan kemampuan motor educability terhadap hasil latihan teknik dasar sepakbola.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen factorial 2x2. Populasi58 pemain SSB Camar Mas Jaya. Teknik pengambilan sampelPurposive Samplingsebanyak 40 pemain. Instrumen tes penelitian ini : 1) TesIowa-Brace. 2) Program latihan metode taktis dan teknis. 3) Tes teknik dasar sepakbola (passing-stopping, dribbling dan shooting). Teknik analisis data menggunakan ANAVA 2X2signifikansi α = 0,05. Uji normalitas menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov dan uji homogenitas menggunakan uji Lavene’s test. Hasil penelitian : 1) Pada metode latihan didapat nilai Fhitung= 11,935 > Ftabel 4,11. 2) Pada kemampuan motor educability didapat Fhitung = 12,804 > Ftabel4,11. 3) Interaksi antara metode latihan dan kemampuan motor educability didapat Fhitung = 3,939 < Ftabel 4,11. Simpulan : 1) Adapengaruh metode latihan taktis dan metode latihan teknis. 2) Ada perbedaan antara motor educability tinggi dan motor educability. 3) Tidak ada interaksi metode latihan dan kemampuan motor educability. Pelatih dan pembina olahraga dapat menggunakan metode latihan taktis sebagai metode alternatif.


The purpose differences influence the technical and tactical training methods, the difference influence of motor educability high and low and the interaction the practice and the ability of the results of the exercise educability basic techniques of football.This study a 2x2 factorial design. The population 58 players SSB Camar Mas Jaya. The sampling purposive Sampling40 players. Instrument tests in this study : 1) Test Iowa-Brace. 2) The program tactical and technical methods. 3) Test the basic techniques of football. Data ANOVA 2X2 with α = 0.05. Test for normality the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and homogeneity Lavene's. The results: 1) In the exercise method gained valueFcount= 11,935 > Ftable 4,11. 2) In the motor abilities acquired educability Fcount = 12,804 > Ftable4,11. 3) The interaction practice and the ability of the motor educability obtained Fcount = 3.939 <Ftable 4.11. Conclusions: 1) There is the influence of tactical training methods and technical training methods. 2) There is difference in effect between motor and motor educability high. 3) There is no interaction between the practice and the ability of the motor educability. Coaches and sports coaches can use this method as alternative method of tactical training.