
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tingkat kematangan emosi siswa SMP, padahal mereka segera memasuki usia remaja yang perkembangan kognisinya perlu diimbangi dengan kematangan emosional agar mereka bisa tumbuh dan berkembang secara harmonis antara kognisi dan emosinya. Sementara pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah juga belum maksimal, lantaran program berjalan tidak jelas dan belum didasarkan pada kebutuhan dari pelaksanaannya. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan metode Research and Development dengan model pengembangan Borg & Gall. Populasi dalam penelitian seluruh siswa kelas VIII yang berjumlah 216 siswa dan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling dengan jumlah 124 siswa. Hasil uji terbatas dalam bentuk layanan kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling, dengan keterwakilan materi dari setiap kompetensi dasar, efektif dan dapat meningkatkan kematangan emosi siswa. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis Ho ditolak. Penolakan Ho berarti ada perbedaan antara rata-rata tingkat kematangan emosi siswa dari perbandingan pretes dan postes.




The background of this research is based on the level of SMP Negeri 2 Kersana Brebes Students’ emotional  maturity. They will grow in to teenagers to which develop their intelligence should be counterbalanced by the emotional maturiy, so they could emerge and improve both their intellegence and emotional in harmony. Meanwhile the aplication of guidance and counseling at school was not maximum yet, since the program lastged unclearly and was not based on the need assesmen. In order to help them, the research and development  to here or method was adapted and adjusted form Borg & Gall’s model. The population to which generalized was all of the eight grade students’ in which total member of the population was 216 students’, by using purposive sampling was 124 students’. The test results are limited in the form of guidance and counseling services activities, the material representation of each basic competence, effective and can improve the emotional maturity of students. Therefore it can be concluded that the hypothesis Ho is rejected. Ho rejection means there is no difference between the average level of emotional maturity of students' pretest and posttest comparisons.