
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak konseling kelompok cognitive behavior therapy, dengan teknik stress inoculation training terhadap toleransi distres melalui hardiness mahasisiwi Akademi Kebidanan Abdi Husada Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan eksperimen, desain pretest-postest control grup dengan melibatkan subjek penelitian sebanyak 16 orang yang dipiliah secara proposive dari 70 mahasiswa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek langsung langsung konseling kelompok cognitive behavior therapi teknik stress inoculation training terhadap toleransi distres akademik, serta efek tidak angsung melalui  hardiness sebagai mediasi yang memiliki hubungan yang positif terhadap toleransi distres akademik.

This study aimed to examine the effect of cognitive behavior group counseling, with stress inoculation training technique on the distress tolerance through students’ hardiness of  Akademi Kebidanan Abdi Husada Semarang. The research method used experiment, pretest-posttest control group design involving research subjects as much as 16 people who were selected by 70 students. The results showed that there is direct effect of cognitive behavior group counseling with stress inoculation technique to tolerance of academic distress, as well as indirect effects through hardiness as mediation that has a positive relationship to tolerance of academic distress.