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Ade Dian Anggraini Masnur
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Mungin Eddy Wibowo
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Edy Purwanto
Universitas Negeri Semarang
How to Cite
The Effectiveness of CBT Group Counseling with Self-Instruction Technique to Improve Students’ Self-Efficacy
Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Regular Issue
Submitted: Mar 24, 2022
Published: Apr 30, 2022
Self-efficacy is significant for students to improve motivation, self-confidence, and see any problems as a challenge. Therefore, school counselors are better to provide appropriate interventions to deal with self-efficacy issues. The present study attempted to examine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy group counseling with self-instruction technique to improve students’ self-efficacy. It used multiple group pretest posttest and involved 7 students in the experimental group. The subjects were selected using purposive sampling technique by considering their low self-efficacy. In the examination, the real data of the subjects were collected by distributing Adolescent Social Self-Efficacy Scale (S-EFF) instrument adopted into Indonesian with the alpha coefficient of .90. Findings showed that the Cognitive Behavior Therapy group counseling with self-instruction technique can effectively improve students’ self-efficacy. Finally, it recommends self-instruction technique to improve Junior High School students’ self-efficacy.