
Muhammad Wafaul Himam
Laela Mufida
Zukhaira Zukhaira
Ahmad Miftahudin




Keterampilan berbicara merupakan keterampilan yang diukur dan diperhitungan dalam keberhasilan keterampilan berbahasa. Kegiatan pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara tidak menarik, tidak merangsang partisipasi siswa, suasana kelas menjadi kaku dan macet disebabkan penguasaan kosakata dan pola kalimat peserta didik sangat minim, pendidik tidak memiliki kompetensi komunikasi aktif, serta belum adanya pemanfaatan media dalam pembelajarannya. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menawarkan solusi untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran “Rolling Ballâ€. Desain penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan guru dan siswa menghendaki dikembangkannya media pembelajaran Rolling Ball yang memuat materi, KI-KD, kosakata, percakapan, dan evaluasi. Media ini terdiri atas tiga tema yaitu يوميّاتنا ÙÙŠ البيت، يوميّاتنا ÙÙŠ المدرسة، السّاعة. penilaian ahli media dan ahli materi menunjukkan kesesuaian pada aspek tampilan, tujuan pembelajaran, konten, asessmen, kelayakan isi, kelayakan bahasa, kelayakan penyajian, dan kelayakan media. Hasil uji coba menyatakan bahwa hasil  uji hipotesis diterima, dengan rincian hasil uji hipotesis pihak kanan yang dihasilkan dari nilai siswa mengerjakan soal tes menunjukkan thitung 39,07 dan hasil penilaian siswa melalui observasi menunjukkan thitung 27,42. Semuanya jatuh di daerah penerimaan Ha, sehingga Ha diterima. Adapun ttabel 2,042 jatuh pada penerimaan Ho, sehingga produk baru lebih efektif dari produk lama.




The ability of speaking Arabic is an ability that measured and counted in succeeding of language skill. Learning speaking was not interesting, did not make the students participate in the learning process, the condition of the class was awkward and out of order since their minimum capability of vocabularies and their sentence pattern, the teacher was not have active communication competence, and there was no useful media in the learning process. Therefore, the researcher offers solution to develop learning media for speaking Arabic that is “Rolling Ballâ€. The design of this reseach is a Reseach and Development (R&D) with qualitative and quantitative methods. The conclusion of this research is the result of needs analysis show teacher and students require the developement of learning media Rolling Ball in accordance with KI and KD contains material, the KI-KD, vocabulary, conversation, and evaluation. The media consists of three themes, namely يوميّاتنا ÙÙŠ البيت ÙÙŠ يوميّاتنا ØŒ المدرسة ØŒ السّاعة. assessment of media experts and expert material shows suitability on display, learning objectives, content, asessment, appropriateness of content, language,  presentation, and appropriateness of the media. try out  results state that hyphotesis test results is accepted, with the results of hyphotesis test results details right the parties resulting from the value of students working on question of tests show tcalculate 39,07 and the results of assessment of the students through observational tcalculate 27,42. All of them fall in the area of the reception of the Ha, so that the Ha is received. As for ttabel 2,042 fell on reception Ho, so new products more effectively than the old products.


Author Biography

Muhammad Wafaul Himam, Fakultas Bahasa dan SeniBahasa dan Sastra AsingPendidikan Bahasa Arab

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