Masalah yang dkaji dalam penelitian adalah: Adakah pengaruh kualitas produk dan kewajaran harga (price fairness) terhadap loyalitas dengan kapuasan konsumen sebagai variabel intervening. (study kasus jenang karomah). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pembeli jenang karomah kudus. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 96 dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel purpose sampling. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuesioner (angket) dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: metode deskriptip presentase dan path analysis. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan mengunakan bantuan SPSS versi 17.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa:.(1) kualitas produk dan kewajaran harga berpengaruh secara langsung positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen sebesar 0,268 dan 0,247 dan signifikan dibawah 0,05. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa nilai total effect variabel kualitas produk sebesar 0,405 lebih besar daripada direct sebesar 0,268. bahwa nilai total effect variabel kewajaran harga sebesar 0,353 lebih besar daripada direct sebesar 0,247. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas produk dan kewajaran harga terhadap loyalitas melalui kepuasan sebagi variabel intervening.
The problem discussed on this study is: Is there any influence of product quality and price fairness the loyalty with the consumers’ satisfaction as the intervening variable. (A case study at Kudus Karomah pudding). The population of this study was the consumers Pudding. The sample of this study consisted of 96 persons by taking purposive sampling. Methods of collecting the data used were questionnaire and documentation methods. Methods of analyzing the data used were presentation descriptive method and path analysis. The data analysis was done by using SPSS 17.0 version. The research finding shows that: (1) product quality and price fairness had positive and significant influence to the consumers’ loyalty in the amount of 0.268 and 0.247 and significant under 0.05. From the research findings, it can be seen that the total effect value of product quality variable was 0.405, higher than the direct which was 0.268. The total effect value of price fairness variable was 0.353 higher than the direct which was 0.247. So, it can be concluded that the product quality and price fairness to the loyalty through satisfaction as the variable is intervening.