
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji apakah ada pengaruh etika lembaga dan QWL terhadap kinerja perawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Sragen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat RSUD Kabupaten Sragen yaitu sebanyak 251 perawat. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan random sampling, sedangkan ukuran sampel dihitung dengan rumus slovin sebesar 154 perawat. Variabel penelitian meliputi etika lembaga, QWL dan kinerja perawat. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui angket, dianalisis menggunakan program IBM SPSS 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh langsung antara etika lembaga terhadap QWL. Variabel etika lembaga dan QWL memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja perawat serta pengaruh mediasi variabel QWL terhadap etika lembaga dan kinerja perawat. Disarankan agar perawat RSUD Kabupaten Sragen meningkatkan kemampuan mandirinya (ability) untuk menunjang kinerja masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Sedang untuk pihak RSUD disarankan untuk memperjelas peran perawat dan memberikan dukungan serta informasi terkait isu keperawatan guna menunjang optimalisasi kinerja perawat. Saran untuk penelitian lanjutan adalah menambahkan wawancara dalam pengambilan data untuk menghindari bias persepsi responden.

This study aimed to assess whether or not there are the influence of Ethical institute and QWL toward the nurse performance at the General Hospital of Sragen Regency. The population of this study was all nurses of the general hospital of Sragen amount to 251 nurses. The research sample was determined by random sampling, while the sample size was calculated with the formula of Slovin at the rate of 154 nurses. The variables included the ethical institutes, QWL and the performance of nurses. Data was obtained through the questionnaires which were analyzed by using IBM SPSS 19 program. The results showed that there was direct influence between the ethical institute and QWL. The variable of ethical institute and QWL also had direct influence toward the nurses’ performance and QWL variables mediate between the Institution ethics and the performance of nurses. This research recommended that nurses in the general hospital of Sragen should improve the ability of independence to support the performance at the present and the future. Beside, the study advised for the general hospitals to clarify the role of nurses, give support and the information which was related to the nursing issues for optimizing the nurses’ performance. The suggestions which can be given for further research is adding interviews in data collection in order to avoid the bias perception of respondent.