
The  purpose  ofthis  studyistoexamineandanalyze  thefinancial  ratio  is  measuredwithCurrent  Ratio,  Debt  to Equity  Ratio,  Total  Asset  Turnover,  Return  On  Asset,  Price  to  Book  Value  towards  share  return.  The populationin  this  study  areallReal  Estate  and  Property  Industri  Listed  inthe  indonesia  stock  exchange since period 2012-2013, with the total of47companys. Thestudysamplewas takenby purposive sampling method, with the  total  of  31company.  This  study  usesdata  analysisof  multiple  linear  regression  analysis  to  estimated  of dependent variable’s value from independent variable’s. Based onthe research results, it can be known that only price to book value has a significant effect toward share return and for current ratio, debt to equity ratio, total asset turnover, return on asset has not a significant effect toward share return.