Piwulang : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa
<p><strong>Piwulang : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href="https://journal.unnes.ac.id/journals/piwulang" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> https://journal.unnes.ac.id/journals/piwulang</a></strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1980A0R8NA3En1577jOx6NI3mWJxsNawB?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p>Piwulang provides comprehensive coverage of the research and theory dealing with issues in Javanese Language Teaching for diverse education genre, this includes formal and informal education. The Journal links the notions of Javanese education not only as parts of studying Javanese language and literature but also embracing Javanese cultures.</p> <p>Piwulang welcomes articles from academics, researchers, professionals, consultants, educators, practitioners, students, and any writers to contribute in exchanging the results of the empirical and theoretical research study of Javanese language teaching. Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated and selected by competent reviewers from various reputable universities to check the quality and validity of manuscripts. Manuscripts accepted for publication will be published both online on the official website of Piwulang Journal and printed ISSN versions. The authors of accepted manuscripts will receive notifications related to the issue of published journals.</p>Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa Universitas Negeri Semarangen-USPiwulang : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa2252-6307Strategi Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jawa pada Anak Tuna Rungu-Wicara
<p><em>Children with hearing impairments are children with special needs who have the same right to get education and develop according to their potential. Therefore they need different learning strategies to maximize their achievement in Javanese Subjects. This study aims to describe learning strategies that can be applied to deaf-speech-deaf children in the Javanese Language Subject as well as the existing inhibiting and supporting factors. In this field qualitative research which originated from observations, interviews, and supporting documents which were then strengthened by content analysis and triangulation it was found that effective learning strategies were those that were adapted to the individual needs of students, such as expository strategies, inquiry, contextual learning, and individualization. The restraints include a lack of parental support in banning Javanese material as well as the limited number of special teachers with Javanese teaching qualifications. However, supporting factors such as a comfortable learning environment, enthusiastic students, creative teachers, and school principals who support teaching and learning activities are very helpful in achieving success in Javanese Language Subjects for children who are deaf-mute. Therefore, this research has an important contribution to the development of more effective inclusive education for children with special needs.</em></p>Astrid Wangsagirindra PudjastawaHelmy BastianRina Kusweni
2023-10-232023-10-2311212814510.15294/piwulang.v11i2.68442Pendidikan Inklusif pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jawa di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang
<p><em>Education in Indonesia in general still separates a children with special needs and normal children. This situation can creates discrimination against the children with special needs. As an alternative, the government determines the implementation of inclusive education in the Regulation Minister of National Educational Number 70 Year 2009. The learning's implementation in inclusive schools has several differences with regular schools. The proper learning will make it easier for ABK to take part in learning process. In addition, there are also several factors that support the implementation of inclusive education. Inclusive schools should pay attention to these factors. The objectives of this study were to describe the learning process for the children with special needs in an inclusive education setting on Javanese language in SMP Negeri 31 Semarang and to describe the factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of inclusive education. This research is an evaluation research using qualitative research methods, data were collected using interview techniques. The results showed that the implementation of inclusive education at SMP Negeri 31 Semarang has not been effective. This is evidenced by the relatively lower values obtained by ABK compared to the normal children. Another thing is also evidenced from the lesson plan which does not begin with an assessment process, but with a process of detection and compiling of PPI. However, the teaching system, learning models, learning methods, instructional media, and learning aspects have been running according to the theory of experts.</em></p>Tia Yulian AnggeaniEsti Sudi Utami
2023-10-232023-10-2311214615610.15294/piwulang.v11i2.41460Penyusunan Kumpulan Cerkak Bebungahing Rekasa Sebagai Sumber Belajar untuk Jenjang SMP/MTs
<p><em>Cerkak is one of the Javanese language learning materials that is less attractive to students because of the lack of interesting learning resources. This research and development aims to produce a collection of short stories entitled Bebungahing Rekasa as a learning resource for the SMP/MTs level. This study uses the Borg and Gall model which consists of 10 stages, namely (1) needs analysis and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product design development, (4) validation test, (5) initial product revision, (6) limited field tests, (7) product revisions, (8) field tests, (9) final product improvements, and (10) socialization and implementation. Data were obtained from material expert validation tests, practical tests from Javanese language teachers, and field tests on 30 class VIII F students of SMP Negeri 18 Malang. The resulting collection of cerkak contains 12 titles with various themes, and raises the values of Javanese culture and character education. Based on the results of the validation and testing of practitioners, it was found that the eligibility percentage was 87% from material experts and 75% from practitioners. Based on the results of the field test, the 12 cerkak titles received a good response even though there were some words that the students did not understand. The test results show that the Bebungahing Rekasa cerkak collection can be used as a source of learning Javanese, especially for class VIII at the SMP/MTs level, also can add to regional reading materials for the general public.</em></p>Ananda Pramesti Regitha CahyaniAzizatuz Zahro'
2023-11-022023-11-0211215716810.15294/piwulang.v11i2.69123Karakter Tokoh Kancil dalam Serat Dongeng Anyariyosaken Lelampahanipun Kancil Tedhakan Raden Mas Dayat Mukadam Nataseputra
<p><em>The goal of this study is to look at Serat Dongeng Anyariyosaken Lelampahanipun Kancil tedhakan Raden Mas Dayat Mukadam Nataseputra as an example of instilling character education values that can be applied in everyday life. This Serat follows Kancil from his birth to the end of his life. This Serat is interesting to study because it contains many character development values demonstrated by the character Kancil. The data used in this study are phrases, clauses, and sentences from Serat Dongeng Anyariyosaken Lelampahanipun Kancil that demonstrate character education. The data analysis technique used is data collection, data reduction, data writing, and conclusion drawing. This study took a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study show that the Kancil character has good characters that can be emulated, including 1) honesty; 2) religious; 3) creativity; 4) democratic; 5) peace; and 6) social care.</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Serat Dongeng Anyariyosaken Lelampahanipun Kancil, Character education, Kancil</em></p>Wahyu Rintoko AjiKenfitria Diah WijayantiTya Resta Fitriana
2023-11-052023-11-0511216918010.15294/piwulang.v11i2.67556Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Serat Wulangreh Pupuh Gambuh Berdialek Ngapak
<p><em>The language in the Wulangreh pupuh Gambuh fiber uses the archaic word, while what the students understand is Javanese, the Ngapak dialect. At SMP N 2 Mrebet, there were obstacles that generally occurred in learning Wulangreh pupuh Gambuh fibers, including 1) students did not know the titi laras so that when serving wulangreh pupuh Gambuh fibers students did not master it 2) students did not know the contents of the Wulangreh pupuh Gambuh fiber. The purpose of this study is to describe the needs of teachers and students, compile a media prototype design, and describe the results of expert validation. Sources of data from this study were students of class VIII SMP N 2 Mrebet, Javanese language teachers, and experts. Data collection techniques are carried out by interview, questionnaire, and expert assessment sheets. The data analysis technique in this study used a qualitative descriptive technique. The results of the needs of students and teachers state that there is a need for new media references that are more interesting and complete so that they can guide students in studying the fiber material of Wulangreh pupuh Gambuh. The media prototype developed has several characteristics, including (1) the language of instruction uses the ngapak dialect (2) helps students practice nembang (3) illustrated tembang stories that are presented using the ngapak dialect (4) the backsound uses the song ngapak and gendhing Banyumsan (5) provided fiber Wulangreh pupuh Gambuh with cakepan using the ngapak dialect (6) the graphic symbol used is a symbol of the Purbalingga area. Based on the expert's assessment, the Pupuh Gambuh Berdialek Ngapak Interactive Learning Media is considered suitable for use with several improvements.</em></p>Sisi Milawati DewiMujimin MujiminWidodo Widodo
2023-11-112023-11-1111218119110.15294/piwulang.v11i2.44264Peningkatan Keterampilan Undha-Usuk Basa Melalui Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Bermain Peran pada Siswa Kelas IV
<p><em>The main problem identified in this study was the low ability to communicate in everyday Javanese in school and home environments. To overcome this problem, the study used a role-playing learning model approach. This study aims to improve Javanese language skills, especially undha-usuk basa, among grade IV students of SDN Pabelan 3. This study was conducted by involving grade IV teachers and 15 students. The research method used is mixed with a type of classroom action research. Over the two cycles, data were collected through activities, written tests, observations, interviews, documentation, and field notes. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed a significant improvement in students' basic skills after applying the role-playing learning model. This change is reflected in the percentage increase in the learning process, pretest results, cycle I posttest, and cycle II posttest. This study emphasizes the importance of support from families and teachers in helping students practice communicating in Javanese following undha-usuk basa. This is expected to form positive student character, such as a sense of care, love, and pride in their local language. Therefore, maintaining and improving Javanese language skills is essential in preserving the language and culture of the region.</em></p>Fika NawangsariSeptiyati PurwandariMuh Syauqi Malik
2023-11-112023-11-1111219220610.15294/piwulang.v11i2.70518Efektivitas Media Jenga Balok Terhadap Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Jawa Ragam Krama Alus di Sekolah Dasar
<p><em>This research was conducted based on a problem that the researcher found regarding grade IV students at SD Negeri 02 Kajen Pekalongan Regency who did not understand Javanese manners because it was considered difficult to practice. The purpose of this study was to compare the level of Javanese language proficiency of fourth grade students at SD Negeri 02 Kajen before and after using block jenga media. Furthermore, to assess the success of block jenga media on Javanese alus krama skills in Class IV SD Negeri 02 Kajen. This study used a quantitative methodology and a Pre-Experimental Design study conducted at SD Negeri 02 Kajen Pekalongan. The One-Group Pretest-Posttest study was conducted without using a comparison (control) group. There is only one sample class, namely Class IV which has 24 students, so this sample was chosen. In this study, testing methods and documentation techniques were used for data collection. The findings of this study revealed that by using the T-Test according to the one sample T-Test, the pre-test average score was 42.5 while the post-test average score was 77.91. This means that the average difference between before and after the application of block jenga media is significantly different. The N-Gain test produces a value of 0.6238 for the N-Gain score, the mean, or the average value. The effectiveness value of beam jenga media is moderate because the deviation is less than 0.7. The mean or percent average N-Gain value at that time was 62.3810, or 62.3%. If the conspicuousness is between 55% and 75%, it can be said that the use of beam jenga media is quite effective.</em></p>Nandan Cahya KinasihAbdul MukhlisDimas Setiaji Prabowo
2023-11-112023-11-1111220721710.15294/piwulang.v11i2.72041Pengembangan Media Interaktif Aksara Jawa Berbasis Multimedia Terhadap Hasil Belajar
<p><em>Learning to use print media makes learning monotonous because printed books are used daily, which makes some students not pay attention and are busy. This has an impact on the value of student learning outcomes. In fact, there are tools to develop media that are not utilized properly. By developing interactive media so that students are interested in learning and pay attention from the beginning to the end. The purpose of this study was to determine the practical feasibility and effectiveness of multimedia-based interactive media on grade 3 student learning outcomes. The type of research used was Research and Development (RnD), with the ADDIE research model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires, and student learning outcomes. In the instrument above, the results of expert validation were media expert 1 obtaining 80.00% and media expert 2 obtaining 86.66%. Material expert 1 gets 90.66% and material expert 2 gets 82.66%, so each of the validators is in the appropriate and very feasible category. From the results of the questionnaire assessment, it was determined that a small scale percentage of 96.17% and a large scale percentage of 88.27% belonged to the very decent category. Meanwhile, based on the value of students obtaining a percentage of 80% on a small scale and 95% on a large scale belonging to the very high category, this medium can be said to be effective.</em></p>Agus Miftakus SururRefi WulandariTutik Dinur RofiahDewi Agus Triani
2023-11-112023-11-1111221823210.15294/piwulang.v11i2.71622Fast Track Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Penerimaan Calon Mahasiswa Unggul Program Magister Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa
<p><em>Fast Track is a superior program that has been implemented at various universities in Indonesia. However, this program which prioritizes effectiveness in completing undergraduate to postgraduate studies has never been implemented in the Javanese Language Education Study Program at UNY. This research aims to prepare an analysis of the need for implementing the fast-track program in Master's and Doctoral Javanese Language Education Study Programs, and develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in the context of implementing the fast-track program to encourage the acceptance of new students in superior categories in the UNY PTNBH era with a hoplological perspective. This research uses educational ethnographic qualitative research methods. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires, interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, presentation of educational ethnographic data, and concluding. Data validity was carried out using triangulation techniques. Based on the research that has been carried out, the following results have been mapped: an analysis of the needs and interests of Javanese Language Education Study Program undergraduate students in participating in the fast track program has been mapped SOPs have been prepared for the implementation of the fast track program. The SOP is prepared based on needs analysis, comparison of fast-track implementation, and interviews with universities that have implemented fast-track programs.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Venny Indria EkowatiSri Harti WidyastutiSuwardi EndraswaraVindy ReyhanaAnnisa Yuliana
2023-11-182023-11-1811223325010.15294/piwulang.v11i2.75318Peningkatan Hasil Belajar dengan Problem Best Learning dalam Memahami Struktur Teks dan Unsur Kebahasaan dalam Nulis Layang Pribadhi
<p><em>Students' achievements in learning to understand text structure and linguistic elements in personal writing are still not satisfactory. This is because the teacher is not correct in choosing learning methods. The basic problem in this research is that the majority of students in class VIII C of SMP Negeri 9 Surabaya for the 2021/2022 academic year are less capable in writing layang pribadhi. The aim of this research is to determine the increase in learning achievement with problem based learning in understanding text structure and linguistic elements in writing layang pribadhi. This research uses action research because it is more in line with the main duties and functions of teachers to improve the quality of learning, the quality of students, and achieve learning or educational goals. The research subjects were 38 students in class VIII C of SMP Negeri 9 Surabaya for the 2021/2022 academic year. This research was conducted in February 2022. The data collection methods in this research were observation, tests, and field notes with data analysis techniques used in data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and reflection verification. The research results showed that the average value of learning outcomes before the action was 68.26, in the first cycle it was 76.81 while in the second cycle it was 90.05. Before the action, there were 7 (18.42%) students who had completed their studies, in Cycle I there were 23 (61.54%) students who had completed their studies, while in Cycle II there were 35 (91.10%) students who had completed their studies. Before the action, the quality of learning was 68.26, while in cycle I it was 76.81 and in Cycle II it was 90.05. With an increase in learning outcomes, it can be concluded that problem based learning can be used to improve student learning achievement in understanding text structure and linguistic elements in layang pribadhi writing.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : problem based learning, learning outcomes, text structure and linguistic elements</em></p>Dami Dami