Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, permasalahan yang dibahas meliputi: 1) Bagaimana kriteria model pembelajaran karyawisata one day menulis feature berbasis ICT, dan 2) Bagaimana model pembelajaran karyawisata one day menulis feature berbasis ICT yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis feature. Penelitian pengembangan ini disusun dengan memodifikasi desain penelitian dan pengembangan Borg & Gall. Hasil uji produk sebagai berikut: 1) model pembelajaran karyawisata one day menulis feature berbasis ICT (pada blog) yang meliputi a) standar kompetensi, b)silabus, c) SAP, dan d) pedoman penilaian, serta 2) Hasil uji coba produk pengembangan terbukti dapat mengoptimalkan keterampilan menulis mahasiswa pada blog, 20% mahasiswa mendapat nilai A dan 80% mendapatkan nilai B. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran karyawisata one day dengan berbasis ICT dapat mengoptimalkan dan meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran menulis feature pada blog. Saran peneliti yaitu hendaknya hasil penelitian ini dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh peneliti lain.
Based on the background above, the issues which are discussed includes: 1) What criteria are in ICT-based learning model of one day field trip for writing feature, and 2) How the model is an ICT-based learning model of one day field trip for writing feature that would be developed to improve feature writing skills. The study was arranged by modifying the development of research design and development of Borg & Gall. Product test results as follows: 1) an ICT-based model of one day field trip learning to write feature (the blog) which includes a) a standard of competence, b) syllabus, c) SAP, and d) assessment guidelines, and 2) results of the trial product development show that it can optimize the writing skills of students in the blog, 20% of students get an A and 80% get a B. It can be concluded that the ICT-based learning model of one day field trip can optimize and improve learning outcomes of writing feature on the blog. The researchers suggest that the results of this study needs to be developed further by other researchers.