
Argumen dapat dikatakan hal yang esensial dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hampir setiap pekerjaan ataupun segala hal memerlukan argument. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan model pembelajaran menulis argumentasi siswa SMA melalui dukungan ICT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis argumentasi melalui proses pembelajaran di sekolah. mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis argumentasi melalui proses pembelajaran di sekolah.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Model ini memiliki empat prinsip yang mengikuti antara lain: (1) prinsip demokrasi, (2) prinsip kolaborasi, (3) prinsip serba tahu, (4) prinsip berbagi. Model investigasi yang dikembangkan menjadi model IKC dijalankan melalui tujuh langkah pembelajaran. Ketujuh langkah tersebut mencakup (1) pendataan permasalahan, (2) penetapan permasalahan, (3) studi dokumentasi dan eksplorasi, (4) perumusan tugas belajar, (5) kegiatan belajar, (6) analisis kemajuan, dan (7) verifikasi. Model pembelajaran mencakup penggunaan ICT. Penerapan model ini dapat mengembangkan penggunaan metode online maupun offline.


The argument can be said to be essential in daily life. Almost every job or anything requires an argument. Problem in this study is the developing learning model writing arguments for high school students through the ICT support. The purpose of this study is to enhance the ability in writing arguments through a learning process in school. The design of the study uses Research and Development (R & D). This model has the following four principles which are: (1) the principle of democracy, (2) the principle of collaboration, (3) the principle of knowing, and (4) the principle of sharing. The model is developed to investigate the IKC model which is run through the seven steps of learning. The seven steps include (1) collection of the problems, (2) determination of the problem, (3) study the documentation and exploration, (4) formulation of the learning task, (5) learning activities, (6) progress analysis, and (7) verification. Learning models include the use of ICT. Application of this model can be developed using the online and offline method.