
Situasi kebahasaan penutur asing dalam ranah sosial masyarakat dwibahasawan memiliki berbagai kendala yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menelaahkode tutur verbal penutur asing dalam ranah sosial masyarakat dwibahasawan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah wujud, fungsi, dan faktor kode tutur penutur asing dalam ranah sosial masyarakat dwibahasawan. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsi wujud, menentukan fungsi,mendeskripsi dominasi fungsi, danmengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi komunikasi verbal penutur asing dalam ranah sosial masyarakat dwibahasawan.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pengamatan dan wawancara.Analisis data penelitian dilakukan melalui dua prosedur, yaitu analisis selama proses pengumpulan data dan analisis setelah pengumpulan data.Wujud, fungsi, dominasi fungsi, dan faktor kode tutur verbal penutur asing dalam ranah sosial masyarakat dwibahasawan. Wujud kode komunikasi verbal penutur asing berupa register dan ragam.Fungsi bahasa yang ditemukan meliputi fungsi ekspresif-referensial, fungsi ekspresif-konatif, fungsi konatif-referensial,fungsi fatis-konatif,danfungsi fatis-referensial. Faktor yang mempengaruhi adalahtempat dan suasana tutur-peserta tutur, peserta tutur-tujuan tutur, suasana tutur-peserta tutur-tujuan tutur, pokok tuturan-peserta tutur, dan sarana tutur-peserta tutur.Peneliti memberikan saran kepada pembaca dan peneliti lain untuk menjadikan penelitian ini sebagai kajian lanjutan dengan objek serta tempat yang berbeda dan tidak terbatas pada komunikasi verbal serta dalam ranah sosial saja.

The situation of foreign language speakers in the realm of social bilingual have various constraints influenced by a variety of factors. This study aimed to examine the code said verbal foreign speakers in the realm of social bilingual. This is the focus of research exists, function, and the code says foreign speakers in the realm of social bilingual. The purpose of this study are to describe the form, specify the function, describing the dominance of the function, and identify factors that influence verbal communication foreign speakers in the realm of social bilingual. Data was collected by observation and interview techniques. To analyze the data of this study is done through two procedures, namely the analysis of the data collection process and analysis of collected data.The result is a form, function, function domination, and the verbal code said foreign speakers in the realm of social bilingual.The results of this study are form, function, domination function, and verbal speech code factor of foreign speakers in the social domain bilingual society. A form of verbal communication code in the form of foreign speakers and variety of registers. The function of language is found in the form of expressive function-referential, expressive functions-conative, function connative-referential,function phatic-conative, and function phatic-referential. Factors that influence is the place and the atmosphere of speech-participant said, participant said-purpose speech, the atmosphere of speech-participant said-purpose speech, the principal speech-participant said, and means said-participant said. Based on this, the researchers advise readers and other researchers to make research as research continued with the object and a different and not limited to verbal communication as well as in the social sphere alone.