
Tujuan penelitian ini (1) mengidentifikasi karakteristik perangkat evaluasi ber-dasarkan taksonomi the structure of the observed learning outcome  (SOLO)kompetensi membaca sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa kelas X SMA; (2) Merumuskan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan perangkat evaluasi berdasarkan taksonomi  the structure of the observed learning outcome (SOLO)kompetensi membaca kelas X SMA; (3) me-nyusun prototipe perangkat evaluasi berdasarkan taksonomi  the structure of the ob-served learning outcome (SOLO)kompetensi membaca kelas X SMA, dan (4) menguji keefektifan perangkat evaluasi berdasarkan taksonomi  the structure of the observed learning outcome (SOLO)kompetensi membaca kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini merupa-kan penelitian pengembangan. Dengan penelitian ini dihasilkan perangkat evaluasi berdasarkan taksonomi SOLO dengan kebaruan pemeringkatan pertanyaan (soal) yakni pertanyaan Unistruktural, Multistuktural, Relasional, dan Abstrak diperluas. Panduan pengembangan ini juga dilengkapi perangkat pembelajaran membaca ke-bahasaan berupa, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, penyu-sunan kisi-kisi soal, draf soal, paket soal, kunci jawaban.



The purposes of this study are to(1) identify the characteristics of the evaluation based on the taxonomic structure of the observed learning outcome (SOLO) in reading competence of the tenth graders, (2) Formulate the principles of software development based on the evaluation of the taxonomic structure of the observed learning outcome (SOLO) in reading competence of the tenth graders, (3) construct a prototype device based taxonomic evaluation of the structure of the observed learning outcome (SOLO) in reading competence of the tenth graders, and (4) test the effectiveness of the evaluation based on the taxonomy of the structure of the observed learning outcome (SOLO) in reading competence of the tenth graders. This research is devel-oping research. The result of the study guided the development of evaluation tools based on SOLO taxonomy with novelty ranking questions which are the questions of Unistruktural, Multistuktural, Relational and extended abstract. This study included the development of learning to read linguistic form, the lesson plans, learning materials, preparation of lattice problems, draft problems, questions, answer key.