
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat resistance to change pada perubahan peraturan di PT. Mitra Sentosa Plastik Industri Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengambil populasi karyawan PT. Mitra Sentosa Plastik Industri. Sampel berjumlah 84 karyawan. Resistance to change diukur dengan skala resistance to change. Rentang koefisien validitas item valid 0,293 sampai dengan 0,653. Koefisien reliabilitasnya sebesar 0,736. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa tingkat resistance to change tergolong dalam kategori rendah.


The purpose of this study is to know determine how the level of resistance to change on the regulatory changes in PT. Mitra Sentosa Plastics Industry Semarang. This study is a quantitative descriptive research by taking a population of employees of PT. Mitra Sentosa Plastics Industry. Samples representing 84 employees. Resistance to change is measured with a scale of resistance to change. Item validity coefficients range 0.293 to 0.653 valid. Reliability coefficient of 0.736. Results illustrate that the level of resistance to change falls into the category of low.