Medicine Curiosity Journal2024-03-24T01:23:57+07:00Mohammad Arif Ali[email protected]Open Journal Systems<div><strong>Sports Medicine Curiosity Journal starting in 2024 migrates from OJS 2 to OJS 3 to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. </strong><strong><em>To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></em></strong></div> <div><strong>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></strong></div> <p>Sports Medicine Curiosity Journal (SMCJ) is an open-access journal with a double-blind peer review. SMCJ publish not only human study but also animal study. It is a special platform for sports scientists, nutritionists, physiologists, medical practitioners, sports practitioners, students, and lecturers who would like to publish their scientific works. SMCJ aims to provide holistic information about sports medicine, it covers sports medicine-related topics such as exercise biochemistry, exercise physiology, sports nutrition, exercise therapy, and sports psychology both in elite sports and sports for all. Therefore, it is expected to bring beneficial information to a big audience at the international level.</p> The Role of Nature of Sports in Lifestyle and Sports Engagement of Student-Athletes2023-12-05T09:41:09+07:00Cleven Garban[email protected]Lhidie Joy Reillo[email protected]Jet Clayton Longakit[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to explore the moderating effect of the nature of sport on the relationship between lifestyle and sports engagement for different types of sports and how it affects each student-athlete. A sample comprised of 408 consisting of 29.9% individual sports (n=122), 18.87% dual sports (n=77), and 51.23% (n=209) student-athletes answered a packet of questionnaires assessing lifestyle and sport engagement. The results showed that overall lifestyle is a significant predictor of sports engagement, as students who demonstrate good exercise habits, engage in regular exercise, and maintain good nutrition are more likely to engage in sports. Interestingly, the type of sport did not significantly affect sports engagement. These findings provide empirical evidence that the type of sport does not moderate the relationship between lifestyle and sports engagement, which suggests that student-athletes can participate in any sport of their choice, whether it is an individual or dual sport or a team sport, to support them in achieving their maximum potential. However, there may be other factors that moderate the relationship between student-athletes' lifestyles and sports engagement that require further investigation.</p>2023-12-05T09:31:52+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Technical Report: What is Continuum Zone Repetition on Popular Resistance Training Periodization2024-03-22T09:49:17+07:00Yeli̇z Kahraman[email protected]<p>As resistance training periodization has recently been touted potential plan and program to regime, session and set-up. The continuum zone repetition has been associated with developing resistance training periodization to develop maximize performance, however it might be more far-reaching as either periodization relationship may be use continuum zone repetition strategy is poorly understood. To determine continuum zone repetition improved resistance training periodization through specAs resistance training periodization has recently been touted potential plan and program to regime, session and set-up. The continuum zone repetition has been associated with developing resistance training periodization to develop maximize performance, however it might be more far-reaching as either periodization relationship may be use continuum zone repetition strategy is poorly understood. To determine continuum zone repetition improved resistance training periodization through specific properties periodic repetition strategy. To date, continuum zone repetition on either current resistance training periodization or training regimes are common approach to produce equivocal maximize performance outcomes. Technical report research conducted on two electronic databases like Pubmed and Web of Science. Resolution for disparity due to continuum zone repetition seem to rarely researches. Exploration of the optimize performance relationship is required continuum zone repetition strategy to evaluate maximize strength, hypertrophy, endurance and power session. Until such studies are completed the efficiency of continuum zone repetition limited in popular resistance training periodizationific properties periodic repetition strategy. To date, continuum zone repetition on either current resistance training periodization or training regimes are common approach to produce equivocal maximize performance outcomes. Technical report research conducted on two electronic databases like Pubmed and Web of Science. Resolution for disparity due to continuum zone repetition seem to rarely researches. Exploration of the optimize performance relationship is required continuum zone repetition strategy to evaluate maximize strength, hypertrophy, endurance and power session. Until such studies are completed the efficiency of continuum zone repetition limited in popular resistance training periodization</p>2023-12-05T10:58:43+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Effectiveness of Shuttle-Run and Zigzag Run Training on the Agility of Football Players2024-03-01T22:28:51+07:00Alimuddin Alimuddin[email protected]Yudiramawan Yudiramawan[email protected]Anton Komaini[email protected]Andri Gemaini[email protected]Fahmil Haris[email protected]<p>This research was motivated by his weakness to actual agility, this was seen when he was unable to spill the ball while running fast and was unable to take another path without losing balance. The purpose of this study was to see how shuttle-run<em> and </em>zig-zag run<em> training to improve the skills of PERSIMURA U-17</em> soccer players in Musi Rawas District. Pseudo-experiments are this kind of research. All athletes of PERSIMURA U-17 Kab. Musi Rawas will be used as a population for this study a total of 39 Musi Rawas players. The example in this study was taken using a relative testing method, namely a procedure based on the doctor's own consideration into an example of 16 people. <em>The Illinois Agility Run test</em> was used for the research instrument. The strategy of examining factual information uses the Liliefors regularity test and the t test at the importance level ɑ=0.05. This study found that the football agility of PERSIMURA U-17 Kab. Musi Rawas was significantly affected by <em>shuttle-run training.</em> Cross-running training has an impact on the readiness of PERSIMURA U-17 football in Musi Rawas District. Exercises known as <em>zigzag</em> running and <em>shuttle </em>running have very different effects on agility. The agility of PERSIMURA U-17 Football Players of Musi Rawas Regency is more influenced by <em>zigzag</em> running training than by <em>shuttle run training.</em></p>2024-03-01T22:20:57+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Effect of Jump Rope Training Program on Increase Dynamic Balance in Deaf Children SLB-B Yayasan Pendidikan Tunas Bangsa (YPTB) Malang City2024-03-23T10:13:06+07:00Salva Almayda Putri[email protected]Slamet Raharjo[email protected]Olivia Andiana[email protected]<p>A deaf person is a person who has partial or total hearing disorders or imperfections caused by the failure of the hearing sense to function properly, so that it can affect their life. Most deaf children experience vestibular deficits which cause decreased balance function and discomfort in life. The development of visual, perceptual, and motor skills as well as sensory integration can all be impacted by balance issues. The purpose of this study is to look into the effects of missing training sessions both before and after therapy. This study used a one-group pretest-posttest research design and a quantitative, pre-experimental methodology. The population studied was 38 deaf children, and 30 deaf children were selected as research samples using a purposive sampling technique. This research shows the results that the skipping training program has a positive effect by increasing dynamic balance in deaf children from Yayasan Tunas Bangsa (YPTB) Malang City. The results of this research show a 0.000 significant level was obtained from the paired samples t-test statistical test findings. The conclusion is that the skipping program has an impact on improving dynamic balance in deaf children from the Yayasan Tunas Bangsa, as seen from the increase in scores on the post-test<em>.</em></p>2024-03-23T10:05:46+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Effect of Jump Rope Training Program on the Agility in Deaf Children SLB-B Yayasan Pendidikan Tunas Bangsa (YPTB) Malang City2024-03-23T11:34:26+07:00David Rinekso Pribadi[email protected]Slamet Raharjo[email protected]Olivia Andiana[email protected]<p>Deaf children are those who have lost or suffered from hearing impairment since birth or before the age when their language development is fully formed. One aspect of physical fitness is agility. Through appropriate agility exercises, deaf children can enhance their ability to feel more confident in engaging in physical activities. Jump rope exercises involve coordinated body movements that can help deaf children develop agility, muscle strength, and motor coordination. A pre-experimental approach is used in this quantitative research, and the research design employed is a one-group pretest-posttest. The sample studied consisted of 30 deaf children in grades 3-6 in elementary school. The research indicates that jump rope exercises have a positive impact, leading to an increase in agility in deaf students at SLB-B Yayasan Pendidikan Tunas Bangsa , Malang City. The paired sample t-test results show a significance value of 0.001. The conclusion is that jump rope training has an impact on the agility of deaf students at SLB-B YPTB Malang City, as evidenced by the increase in scores in the post-test.</p>2024-03-23T11:27:37+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Level of DKI Jakarta Women’s Rugby Athletes Towards the National Sports Week 20242024-03-23T22:51:25+07:00Shalza Putrianingsih[email protected]Sudradjat Wiradihardja[email protected]Heni Widyaningsih[email protected]<p>To achieve maximum performance, an athlete requires preparation such as physical, technical, tactical and mental. One of the mental aspects of sports psychology is anxiety. Anxiety is a mental symptom that is identical to negative feelings which are characterized by feelings of worry, tension, and unease when facing a situation, causing a decrease in concentration and self-confidence. This study aims to determine the anxiety level of DKI Jakarta female rugby athletes before the match. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using a percentage formula. Data collection used a questionnaire with research instruments using the Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT). The population in this study were all female rugby athletes from DKI Jakarta, totaling 15 athletes who were designated as the research sample. The research results showed that the anxiety level of DKI Jakarta female rugby athletes before the match was 27% (4) athletes who had low anxiety levels, 60% (9) athletes had moderate anxiety levels, and 13% (2) athletes had high anxiety levels. From the data results, it can be explained that the anxiety level of DKI Jakarta female rugby athletes before the match is in the medium category.</p> <p> </p>2024-03-23T22:42:51+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Correlation of Muscle Mass and Fat with Leg Power of 16 Senior Highschool Basketball Athlete2024-03-24T00:15:16+07:00Mohamad Farhan Helmi[email protected]Yasep Setiakarnawijaya[email protected]Kuswahyudi Kuswahyudi[email protected]<div class="flex-1 overflow-hidden"> <div class="react-scroll-to-bottom--css-fyigw-79elbk h-full"> <div class="react-scroll-to-bottom--css-fyigw-1n7m0yu"> <div class="flex flex-col pb-9 text-sm"> <div class="w-full text-token-text-primary" data-testid="conversation-turn-181"> <div class="px-4 py-2 justify-center text-base md:gap-6 m-auto"> <div class="flex flex-1 text-base mx-auto gap-3 md:px-5 lg:px-1 xl:px-5 md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-[40rem] xl:max-w-[48rem] group final-completion"> <div class="relative flex w-full flex-col lg:w-[calc(100%-115px)] agent-turn"> <div class="flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3"> <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col max-w-full"> <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&]:mt-5 overflow-x-auto" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="7ab187a2-e2d1-4cde-9a89-f8daae20e9dd"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert dark"> <p>This study aims to explore the relationship between muscle mass and fat with lower limb power in high school basketball athletes from SMA N 16 Jakarta. The survey method was employed, involving measurement and data analysis using a quantitative correlational approach. The results of the study indicate a significant relationship between muscle mass and fat with lower limb power in athletes. These findings contribute significantly to understanding how body composition, particularly muscle mass and fat, can influence overall body strength, especially in the lower limbs. The conclusion of this research confirms the existence of a relationship between muscle mass, fat, and lower limb power in high school basketball athletes. Thus, the research objective to evaluate this relationship is achieved. Practical implications of this study include an enhanced understanding of athlete body quality. However, it is important to note that factors beyond muscle mass and fat, such as environmental conditions, physical health, and psychological aspects, can also impact muscle strength.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>2024-03-24T00:07:05+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Movement Screen at DKI Jakarta POPB Athletics in 20232024-03-24T01:23:57+07:00Ermyka Elma Elma Ramadani[email protected]Yasep Setiakarnawijaya[email protected]Kuswahyudi Kuswahyudi[email protected]<p>Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a method for assessing a person's functional movement abilities. FMS can be used as a screening and injury prevention effort. The aim of this research is to provide information on weaknesses in functional movement patterns, FMS provides information on asymmetries and limitations in functional movement patterns between right and left and FMS helps predict the risk of injury that may occur. FMS consists of 7 movements, namely: (1) Deep Squat, (2) Hurdle Step, (3) Inline Lunges, (4) Shoulder Mobility, (5) Active Straight Leg Raise, (6) Trunk Stability Push Up, and (7) Rotary Stability. This research is quantitative descriptive. By using observation techniques to collect information. This research involves the use of tools, instruments and procedures to collect objective and systematic data. In this research, the 2023 Jakarta popb athletics athletes were involved with a total sample of 13 athletes. The results of this research show that the FMS profile of POPB DKI Jakarta athletic athletes in 2023 is 1 athlete showing points 21, namely a perfect score, 7 athletes showing points 17-20, namely good, 3 athletes showing points 14-16, namely inefficient. The average profile of POPB DKI Jakarta athletic athletes in 2023 is in good condition.</p>2024-03-24T01:18:49+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##