
Berdasarkan observasi awal di SMP Negeri 2 Magelang  diperoleh pemanfaatan sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran IPA belum terpadu, siswa belum sepenuhnya aktif dalam pembelajaran serta pembelajaran masih berpusat pada guru. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa science circuit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan media science circuit berbasis Edutainment pada pembelajaran tema optik untuk meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar siswa.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Prosedur penelitian ini meliputi identifikasi potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain produk, revisi desain, uji coba skala kecil, revisi produk 1, uji coba skala besar, revisi produk 2, uji pelaksanaan lapangan, dan produk final. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, media science circuit berbasis edutainment dinyatakan layak dengan rata-rata persentase total validasi media sebesar 90% dengan kriteria sangat layak, validasi materi sebesar 95% dengan kriteria sangta layak. Penerapan media science circuit berbasis edutainment diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,58 dengan kategori sedang. Minat belajar siswa juga meningkat dilihat dari hasil angket minat sebelum dan sesudah penerapan media science circuit. Peningkatan minat dan hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media science circuit berbasis edutainment dinyatakan efektif.


Based on the observation in SMP Negeri 2 Magelang, acquired that the utilization of learning source and media are yet integrated. The class are teacher centered, so then the students are became more inactive. According to these problems, the research is purposed to develop science  circuit as a learning media. This research in intent on knowing te expediency of the science circuit with Edutainment-based in learning of  optic topics, for increasing Students’ interest and learning result. This research is using Research and Development (R&D) method. The procedure was the identification of potential research and issues, data submission, design product, validation design, design revisions, small-scale trials, product 1 revision, a large-scale trials, product 2 revision, implementation scale trials and the final product. According to the research result, science circuit  with Edutainment- based is asserted as a proper media, which is the average of total score percentage is 90%. It also has a proper content of learning materials, which is the average of total score percentage is 95%. Both of these percentage show that science circuit is include in very properly category. Application of the science circuit with Edutainment-based was indicating the increasing of he learning result, with the N-Gain score is 0.58 (average category). Student’s interest were also increasing, which is pointed out in the questionnaire that given before and after applicating science circuit in the class. Increasing of students’ interest and the learning result are showing us that applicating the science circuit with Edutainment-based is effective to be used.